Wednesday 15 April 2009

Smoking in the womb harms your mother

This blog is dedicated to Rachel Goodsall on account of her quiting smoking. she choose to go cold turkey over 4 months ago and to my knowledge has not smoked since. Cold turkey is a method of quiting where by everytime you are tempted to smoke you choose to nibble a cold turkey sandwidge instead, although she is now smoke free she has now developed an addiction to tukeys and has been spotted in various mersyside farms with an axe trying to get a turkey fix. If you are reading this and you are a turkey BEWARE! you may think that April is a safe month for you, you're wrong.

I would like to publish the slogans from a poster campain written by me and Dan that helped Rachel to quit, in the hope that other will be inspired. I personally think the govelment should buy our campain off us and print it on ciggarette boxes.

(Disclamer: there is a large selection of slogans in varing degrees of truth most of which aren't very P.C, if you think you might be offened're just being too easily offended.)

- If you take a are a puff

- Hitler endorsed Smoking .....You killed the Jews

- Fags contain the bones of tourshed children and Brocolli

- The average smoker spends 3 grand a year on breath freashening mints

-76% of smokers give birth to 3 legged babies

-100% of smokers DIE!

-For every Fag you smoke the gap in the ozone layer grows by 300 square miles

-If you stop smoking you will be abble to play the harp

-smoke on earth...smoke in Hell

-99.4% of murders smoke

-94.2% of smokers murder

-smoke particles are made from microscopic sized Hitlers

-86% of the population would rather marry Osama Bin Laden than a smoker

-When you smoke every living thing within a 3 mile radius dies!

-68% of smokers die before they are born

-Smoking in the womb harms your mother.

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