Tuesday 21 February 2012

Cheese Gun

Here is a copy of the letter I just sent to cheesestring:

Dear Cheesestring,
I had a funny thought a while ago which was ‘what would happen if you put a cheese string in a glue gun’ a couple of days ago at my friend’s cheese and wine birthday party I tried it out. Initially it didn’t really work because cheese string cheese isn’t solid enough to be pushed through a glue gun so we moulded some cheader to the right size and amazingly with a bit of poking it worked…the gun melted the cheese which could then be squirted into a cracker or whatever. All this was a silly experiment, but I actually think that the ‘cheese gun’ could be a marketable product. I think the target market would be young boys and maybe students anyone that like to have a bit of fun with their cheese really.

I realise health and safety might be an issue but I’m sure it is possible to create a hygienic low heat gun, maybe battery powered. I honestly think this could boost your sales, and I think that you would be the perfect kind of fun company to bring out such a product.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Hannah Jones.

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