Wednesday 18 March 2009

The Three Bears

I read the story of goldylocks and the three bears to a small child called sammy on monday, I read it really nicely and even did different voices for the different charictors, however what I chose not to discuse with little sammy were the fundermental floors in the plot line which I discuss now:

A) Who goes out for a walk if their porage is to hot? you don't do you. you just blow on it or wait a minute, plus according to goldylocks they were all at differet temperatures anyway.

B) Why didn't they lock the door? I'm willing to overlook this a bit because I realise that some small comunities that live on islands and are all imbread might not lock the doors but it's still not sensible.

C) Why were the bowls of porage different temperatures? surely they were all made in the same pan originally. The only explanation I could think for this is that the sizes of bowls may have had an effect on the temperatures however in this case the smallest bowl (which we presume belongs to baby bear) would be the coldest where as in the story daddy bear's was too hot, mummy bear's was too cold and baby bear's was just right.

D) Why were Mummy and Daddy bear sitting in seperate beds? did they have marital problems?

E) Goldylocks was oviously a young person with behavioural problems who was unacompanyed by an adult. why didn't the bears do anything about this? like phone the police or social services or something. If I found a troubed youth in my bed I would make sure they were reciving the proper care they needed. Maybe the break-in was just a symptom of her tragic home life, or maybe it was a cry for attention.

F) Talking bears?!

If I were re-naming this book I would call it 'The tragic story of a vunrable youngster and three bears who need more child protection training.' and it would not be the kind of thing you would read to your children.


  1. Funniest line in this?

    '... and it would not be the kind of thing you would read to your children.'

    Sheer class, wibs.

  2. A critique of this post:

    A)Walking works up an appetite

    B) They live in the middle of the forest, like you said about the remote communities, not always necessary to lock the door

    C) The porridge might all be the same temperature originally,but cooled down at separate rates, due to the proximity to the door, through which a draught was blowing.

    D) Mummy and Daddy Bear have different mattress preferences. One likes a really soft mattress, but the other one has back problems so is currently sleeping on a much harder mattress to help with the pain. Incidentally, this is a further reason for the family walk, to help with the back pain.

    E)The issue is covered in the sequel, Goldilocks, the ASBO and resultant psychiatric appointments

    F) Yes. Talking bears. Deal with it.

  3. Thanks for that Jon, I particually like part E.
