Thursday 30 August 2012

The Lakes

Hello, how are you? I hope you are well and enjoying this lovely sunny evening, but I know your not, your inside on a laptop procrastinating just like me. Oh well as you and I clearly have nothing better to do I will write down some of the recent happenings in my life and you can read them.

I've just got back from 4 days camping in the lakes. Not actually in the lakes obviously, underwater camping does not exsist yet. I was camping on grass in the lake district. The lakes are beautiful obviously that's why people go there, but they are not a place you can actually live in for long. There are no corner shops, if you want milk you have to extract it from an actual cow, and a lot of the roads don't have names. A man I met who lives in a YHA hostel still has dial up internet. On the plus side they have lots of things out of picture books like mountains and rivers and a lack of crime. But how often do you think 'I need a mountain right now', and how often do you think 'we need to buy more milk?'

Weather wise we had two good days and two bad days. One of the bad days was spent mainly in car parks and cafes and in an old lady art exhabition. I quite enjoyed that bit, not because there was any good art, I just find old ladies amusing and I think one day I would like to join a old lady artist club and I would do especially contraversial art just to see there reaction. On one of the good days we went for a really long walk with Lydia and Amber. Which included a heroic moment when Amber rescued one of my wellies that was floating down a ford we were trying to cross.

On the other good weather day we hired a tandum from a very cool campsite that has a hot tub. Unfortunatly that wasn't the campsite we were camping in. We cycled to wastwater lake and then I made the slightly irresponsible decison to swim to the other side. I based this decision on the fact I could see the other side. However there was nothing to show scale on the other side and it was a lot futher than I thought, at 3/4 of the way across I couldn't even see Dan and he could't see me. There was no way of him retriving me from the other side so I had to swim back. The whole thing probably took about an hour and a half.

On arriving back in to civerlisation we discoved our house had been broken into, which is not very civilised at all. My laptop was missing and the house had been searched through, Dan's laptop had been looked at but they obviously decided it wasn't worth it. Thankfully we don't have much worth robbing, we don't have a tv and although they did look through our board games cupboard nothing took their fancy. The police told us that PVC doors have to be made with a removable pannal in case of fire. Good one heath an saftey. There are many youtube videos showing several ways to get through PVC doors, always handy if you forget your keys/ are a criminal. We spent that evening with friends making mildly rude words in a game of bananagrams, which was very theraputic. Christians just love to go mental like that when they're angry! I spelled out Tampax, pubes and kex.

The next day Dan was very concerned that our chocolate cereal had been stolen as well lukily it was safe and sound.

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