Wednesday 14 March 2012

Google Vs My Mum

I often ponder,
who is stronger?
Google or my mum.

Who knows more?
I'm not quite sure,
but this poem has been fun.

I wondered this today when I sent my mum a text saying:

'here's a chance to prove you're better than google: when I make a meaty risotto I use a beef stock cube, but what should I use when making a fish risotto?'

she texted back 'a fish stock cube of course.'

I did not know these existed. But anyway this isn't a blog about risotto. I think I could have got the same answer, without the sarcastic 'of course' from google. So in round one I would give Google 1 and my Mum 1 they are equal.

When I look back on an incident last week my mum was winning against her competitor google. I had given an invoice to a school and they said 'does it include VAT?' and I thought 'I don't know what you're on about' but I said 'yes.' Then I rang my mum and said 'what are they on about?' she told me that you don't have to register for VAT unless your turnover is £70000. I'm sure I could have found this out from google but it probably would have taken longer and might have involved downloading a PDF and for some reason I find anything written on a PDF boring. So at the end of round 2 it's Mum 2 Google 1.

I wouldn't even be writing this blog without google ...but then again if it wasn't for my mum I wouldn't be writing this blog either so the mystery continues. Maybe I will do an experiment I could live for one month without google, and then live for one month without having any contact with my mum...and I could see which I miss the most.

whilst we're on the subject of my mum... people have been asking me if the story I wrote in creative writing class is based on truth. This is the first paragraph:

'The last time I saw my mother was 15 years ago, she was only wearing a stripy thong- unless you count the fact that she was covered from head to toe in honey. She was sitting inside a giant fiber glass bee hive swinging her legs. There was an almost defining sound of buzzing coming from the loud speakers. This was apparently modern art.'

This would be hilarious if true but I should point out it's not. However she did once do a dance with a mop in front of an audience in a park in Newburry.

Happy Mother's Day Mum.

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