Thursday 25 June 2009

Being Escorted

I got called into my bosses office at work yesterday (the work with naughty kids not the gallery) and he sat me down and said 'just to warn you, one of the students has been overheard making plans to attack you on her last day, so make sure your not on your own and I'll escort you out at the end of the day.' I was quite chuffed to be escorted round like a victim of crime, for the day, I'm sure the novelty would wear if it went on any longer. Luckly her last day is friday and I don't work fridays but I don't she she knows that so her plan was flawed from the start.

Other than that it was a fun day I watched them reherse their end of term play, and had a funny backstage conversation with one boy who said he made a deal with the teacher that he didn't have to do the dance because he's not gay, but the dance made him question his sexuality.

I played den making with the kids I live with when I got home and then as they were going to bed I went out to the park, I always go out just as their going to bed which I think is what led to Isacc's (age 6) question the other day: 'Hannah are you nocturnal- like a bat?'

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