Friday 22 April 2016

18 months of PJ

Today marks a year and a half since a tiny person came out of me. That tiny baby is now a real person who thinks and talks and walks. I'll demonstrate his growth by using a toy dinosaur.

I heard a few different opinions on what 18 months would be like, some people said it was awful because they start having tantrums and some people say it's brilliant because they can do a few things for themselves and they are learning a new thing every day. So far in general I am really enjoying this stage. Percy is now normally sleeping 7 or 7:30pm till 6 or 6:30AM. He's totally off breast feeding and if I need to do something like shower he is capable of watching a 20 minute tv program on the laptop without smashing the keys or diving head first off the sofa.

Here are 18 facts about Percy Jones:

1) He is named after his great great great uncle Percival Drury who died in World War 1.

2) He was filmed for TV twice in his first 2 weeks of life, once for One Born every minute (but they did't use it) and once for northwest tonight.

3) His first 3 words were "quack" "bath" and "Lola" (the rabbit's name)

4) He learnt baby sign language which has helped him learn to speak and also to communicate before he could speak. The first word he signed was "home".

5) The first food we tried him on was broccoli he was not a fan. He loves "babalas" (bananas)

6) He spent his first birthday in hospital with pneumonia.

7) When we go to the park it's all about the slides, swings are for losers.

8) He likes to paint, and if you ask him what colour something is he'll always say "blue" regardless of what colour it is.

9) When you say "jump" he bends his knees up and down but his feet don't leave the floor. Last week he learnt to jump in a swimming pool... well kind of walk off the edge, he will do that whether you're ready to catch him or not.

10) He loves animals, he is very good with Lola and he really likes dogs which is odd because I'm slightly fearful of dogs, once he got licked in the face by a dog and he wasn't that bothered.

11) Two word sentences he has recently said are "bye bye Daddy" "where teddy" "baby sheep" and "silly mummy"

12) He likes to play pretend cooking and make tea for people with his little tea set.

13) The only T.V programme he will watch is Mr tumble, nothing else keeps his attention.

14) He has almost grasped the concept of hide and seek, except sometimes he'll start playing without informing us first and he kind of wants to watch you hide.

15) He loves music and often demands it.

16) When he says "cuddles" it means "pick me up mummy I want to get what you are holding"

17) Yesterday we went to the farm at Croxteth hall with his buddy Mazen.

18) Today he went on the train for the first time. We're gonna make good use of our free train bus and ferry pass: tomorrow we're going on the ferry.

We love you so much PJ. xx

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