Thursday 10 October 2013

Southampton to Geneva

Hello, if you have checked my blog thinking I might have written stuff about our 2 month trip to Kuwait, you will have been disappointed. Blame Google. I tried logging on to my blog in other countries and they had to send me a text with a code so I could confirm I am me, the problem was I choose to leave my phone in England.

Anyway I last blogged on day 4 of our trip just before I left England, so today I will blog about the first quarter of our trip using extracts from our diary. I'm also making a film about it which I will put on the internet soon.

Day 5 Sailing to the Isle of Wight in my Dad's boat

Day 6 
"at around 6.30am we saw some kind of cargo ship that came into the 'boats that might hit us' category  We woke Dad up (as we had been instructed to do) and we watched the boat with special binoculus that tell you what angle the boat is sailing at. Obviously it didn't hit us I probably would have mentioned that sooner." Han

Day 7
"The highlight of the day was quite possibly when we rode up the lock with a few bigger boats. We were alongside a trawler with a good sized catch and as they discarded some fish which were too small we snagged 6 for tea."  Dan

Day 8 - Dad dropped us off on the seine which was a tricky manoeuvre depicted below, and we began a 3 day cycle to Paris.

Day 9- The day we ate cereal without bowls, outside a shop. (and cycled 50 miles)

Day 10 -
"We are staying with Dan's Aunty Beatrice who lives in a very posh area right in the centre of Paris. When we arrived she got out some sandwich stuff for lunch and like a typical french person she had 5 different kinds of cheese and none of them were cheddar or cheese triangle. I aspire to be like that one day." Han

Day 11-
 I met up with my french exchange partner Morgane who I hadn't seen since I was 15. This time we were actually able to communicate with each other via Dan.

Day 12- 
We went up the Eiffel tower and then headed south to Dijon by train. The Eiffel tower is really only a half built tourist attraction in my opinion. All those stairs and no Helta- skelta what's that all about?

Day 13- 60 miles

Day 14 (crossing the swiss/ french boarder in the alps)
"The downhill was without a doubt the greatest hill I have ever been on. About 2km down there was a bend and the most incredible view. Massive Alps with snow on top towered behind the lake." - Dan

Day 15 (Lake Geneva)
"We also went on a pedalo and I swam, and by "Swam" I mean played around in the water jumping and twisting like a dolphin on crack" Han

And here ends the first Quarter of our trip I'll write more soon.

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