Friday 18 January 2013


After having a bit of a rubbish summer holiday, we decided to go for a little winter holiday in the lovely city of Berlin. Except we didn't really stay in the lovely bit, we stayed in the red light district. It's the first time Dan had ever seen a prostitute before- aww bless. I've seen about 60, maybe 5 or so in Liverpool and about 55 on my uni trip to Amsterdam. It was all fine though, we didn't feel unsafe or anything, there were just quite a few women who were waiting around on street corners wearing inappropriate footwear for the weather conditions. On the first night after Dan had got over the shock of seeing one, he started using them as landmarks to remember the way back to our hotel, you know like "turn right when you reach the one with the red boots"

One of the best bits of our trip was going to the zoo, we saw a baby elephant, Orang-utans and leopards having "married time" Here is a video of he orang-utans where we have done a voice over of what we think they're saying. 

We went to the savador dali museum and saw what looked like his GCSE work but none of the good famous stuff. I hope one day I'll be famous enough that people will pay to see all the rubbish art I did in school that's under my bed. One of the painting had even been folded in half and then unfolded and put in a frame. I personally think if Salvador himself values that piece so little that he would fold it, then it's not worth framing.

we also went on a cool graffiti art tour and saw stuff like this:

It's a man, made up of men, eating a man, and it was painted in response to the secret police.

I know we're cool and cultured right? except for straight after that Dan ruined our cool and cultured image by going to a takeaway and ordering a pea calzone. and he hates peas.

I will leave you we some of our german made up words:




its fun to just say them around germans and see their reactions.

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