Wednesday 23 January 2013

Angel Hair

I normally think spooky paranormal stories are a load of *insert rude word here* and I think I still do. But here is a spooky paranormal thing that has happened to me and Dan recently:

One day a few months ago I was in a grumpy mood, I can't remember why, I think we were off out somewhere and Dan was trying to de-stress me before leaving. He was being lovely I'm sure, but I was still grumpy until we spotted something very unusual as he was getting changed. About 5mm from Dan's nipple was a very long straight white hair it was at least 10cm maybe 20cm long! Dan was more than a little surprised when I pointed it out, he said things like 'what's that?!' and 'it's not attached' however when I pulled it he said 'OWWW!' and my detective skills lead me to believe that this meant it was attached, (that and the gift of sight.) But how could a hair grow that long without being noticed? and why was it white? These are the mysterious big questions of life that remain unanswered. We had a good laugh about the whole thing and it really did put me in a much better mood. Dan even suggested that God sent the hair to cheer me up. This hair has since become know as 'Angel Hair'

Fast forward to last week, and as we're getting into bed Dan tells me that he found and removed another angel hair. I wished he'd let me see it, there aren't many pleasures in life better than seeing long white hairs on your partners nipple right? Dan says 'Maybe God has sent it coz he knows we needed another laugh.' and I say 'well you shouldn't have ripped it out then, you need to save it for our next argument.' THE VERY NEXT NIGHT.... we have a (I'm not going to say argument) we have a healthy solution-focused-conflict, when it's all sorted we go to bed and SUDDENLY I remember the angel hair. 'It was sent for this moment' I say. *cue spooky music*

If that story does not prove the existence of God and angels then I don't know what does.

p.s if you don't know me well, you might think that that last statement was genuine, and I would like to state for the record that although I do believe in God, it has nothing to do with my husbands nipples. Maybe science can explain that one.

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