Sunday 27 May 2012


We've just been to Morocco, it was hot and fun and crazy. They speek french and arabic which I thought would be cool because I speek a little bit of arabic and Dan speeks a lot of french. Except it was attualy anoying because we had an arabic lesson on the first day and their arabic is probably about 60% different to the arabic I learnt in palestine, so Dan really easily picked up Morocan arabic and I was in a constant state of language confusion. I'd talk in a mixture of english, GCSE french and my wrong arabic. Once while we were there some arabs knocked on the door and I said 'good morning' (even though it was evening) they said some more things in arabic and I just shurugged because Dan was on the toilet and unavalible to use his language skills.

Morroco is brilliant though I love the crazy way they drive and their markets I nearly pursuaded Dan to let me buy a baby tortoise to bring back but not quite. Look how cool it is:

Since coming back I've had a lot of schools work because of the jubilee which is a celebration of  Jews belly's. I've also done a bit more stand up comedy:

My opening line was 'if I was a pig going to a furnature themed fancy dress party I'd pirce all my nipples and go as a chest-of -draws' (it's true!)

P.s Wecome Heather and Matt my two new followers, I now have 18 followers which make more popular than Jesus.

PPS I got an email saying if I don't do a thing by 31st of May then I can no longer access my blog. I hope that's not true because I couldn't do the thing.

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