Thursday 10 June 2010


I am a bit odd...most people know that and I think odd people attract odd people so I have a lot of odd friends, which makes me feel normal until I meet a normal person.

So me a Dan are both a bit wierd which makes things fun. On our first date before we were officially going out Dan said a few times 'what do normal people do?' and then he came up with the phrase 'more than normal' which is a nice way of saying we're weird. People often comment that we suit eachother well because we both have the same surreal sence of humor. The other day we were texting each other it started with me asking how you spell. 'In-ish-a-tive' (which I now know is initiative) and ended with Dan saying he would 'my booty so scrumdelicious' and it's how it got from initative to scrumdelicous booty that I would like to document as a typical Han and Dan text conversation.

Han to Dan:
How do you spell the word that is phenetacally spelt: In-ish-a tive and means thinking of something and doing it without being asked? Even my super clever dyslexic mashine doesn't know. x

Dan to Han:
Initative, I didn't even have to look it up yey me! How's the application going? Love Dan.

Han to Dan:
Thanks, it's going ok. I'm having my ear syrindged tommorrow, : ( have a good rest of the day dictionary Dan.

Dan to Han:
Have a good time at work scrumdelicious Han. Dan

Han to Dan:
My cooking's too scrumdelicious for you babe...sing that to the tune of Destiny's childs boodelicious. we could make it into a pop video with me wearing a sexy apron and you licking chocolate off a whisk! x

Dan to Han:
Oooh if you can engineer a colender into this video I'm yours. As long as I get to be the black one. Dan.

Han to Dan:
With all the melted chocolate I'm going to smother on you you'll look black. x

Dan to Han:
Saucy or rather chocolately! I'd shake my ghetto booty for you. oh yeah sings: my booty so scrumdelicious! Dan


  1. Who ever this Dan is he's obviously some kind of pervert. I'd offer to rescue you from him but I'm trapped in the internet.

  2. You got that right ShilaLongSquareSquare, for sure!
