Thursday 24 June 2010

The Chinese

You may have noticed that more than half of my blog comments are in Chinese. I'm not sure quite why Chinese people would want to read my blog and whether they would understand it. Some of the humour I think would be quite hard even for an American to understand. Even if they were google translating it, I don't think they could undrestand esspecially as google translate can't translate spelling misstakes. (although my spelling misstakes are there for a reason, more than just anakey - it's because what you write on a blog is copyright of google so if I ever wanted to publish any of it I could just spellcheck it and then I would own the rights to the good version.) I rarely understand the Chinese comments even when they've translated them into English. For example one of the comments on my blog 'scrumdelicious' when I translated it came out as 'you cannot control the weather but you can change the heart' and on my blog 'scrumdelious' google translate tells me they wrote 'Thinking and theory, you call the first action, but action is more noble than the ideas or theories'

you can see how unacurrate google translate is by translating a sentence into chinese and then back to English again. My first sentence come out like this:

'You may have noticed that more than half of the comments in my blog. I do not know why the Chinese people very much want to see my blog, they will understand it better. For some I think humor is very difficult, even for Americans to understand'

even more funny is points 4 and 5 from my previous blog:

'4) Your idea is interesting holiday sailing across the English Channel 7 take effect, the opposite of a Palestinian refugee camp stranded in Uganda, some even more interesting than the packet camping holiday.
5) The ability to roar once you have an apple.'

next time I have an apple I will roar, that sounds like a fun tradition to start. Here is a message for the chinese, all one billion of them:

1 comment:

  1. It's comment spam. I get it all of the time, and from the same people in fact.

    If you go to the comments settings in blogger you can filter them out by choosing to moderate all comments.

    But that does have the downside of your email in-box filling with it instead.

    But after a while, once they realise you're not going to post it, they go away ...
