Thursday 20 November 2014

Great Grandparents

Baby Percy is lucky to have 4 grandparents and 4 great grandparents (all on Dan's side.)  Yesterday we met the english ones and next friday we will be meeting the french ones.

Here are 4 generations of Jones men.
 and this is Great Grandma.....

........and this is her uncle is called Percival.

Percival was born in Liverpool and died in 1916 aged 20 in world war one. He has no direct descendants. That is who we named Percy after.

As well as these things

We picked the middle name Samuel because of the bible character. I've always had a soft spot for boys named sam because in the bible Samuel is a cool character and his mother is called Hannah. After we had named, him I remembered that Dan once told me that at school when he was 12 he had to write a letter to his son and he decided to name his imaginary son Samuel. So that was kind of funny.

It's been a tough week this last week Percy has something wrong with his digestive system, the enzymes (whatever they are) can't digest milk properly so he is very unsettled and isn't pooing normally. We just got some drops from the doctor yesterday so hopefully that will help his sleep and ours.

We've been so sleep deprived that we have both been able to fall asleep mid sentence, which is quite an achievement seeing as I normally take an hour to get to sleep. We've also both had the experience of waking up holding the duvet thinking it was Percy and then wondering where he disappeared to.

This week I went to an event put on by the housing project that we're hopefully getting a house from. This led to the awkward situation where I found myself with Percy in a room full of important people like MPs and stuff giving speeches. He started crying and people started looking at me because it was being televised. I couldn't leave because to get all my stuff together would make him cry more, so I had to breast feed him to keep him quiet. Lukerly I'd just finished when they called me on stage to show off the cute tiny baby. We ended up being on North West Tonight for a few seconds. Percy's second t.v appearance.

This is my favourite photo from this week.

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