Saturday 13 September 2014


Everyone loves babies especially in digital form when you can just admire their cuteness without them disturbing your sleep. Here's our properly adorable nephew Reuben with his Daddy (the husband of Dan's sister)
All babies are cute but some are cuter than others and he deffo comes into the 'cuter' category.

At church on sunday I was asked quite publicly "How was your shower? I saw the photos" I quickly added " my BABY shower? yeah it was great" You can never be too careful in church, that's how rumours start.

So I had my baby shower this week which was brilliant. Everyone put so much effort into making it a lovely day, I felt very spoilt. Our baby is super spoilt he or she now owns 7 hats! Lets hope they're a hat person.

We played lots of games at the baby shower including Cat's game 'stick the Jewish hat on the the baby' (a reference to a bit of my stand up) and Katie's game try and guess what Han and Dan's baby will look like.....

It's a pretty disturbing game.

A lot of people are very keen to guess the name, at the baby shower I gave out very cryptic name clues:
So if you want to join in the guessing game, we have chosen 4 names: a boys first name and middle name and a girls first name and middle name. So 4 of these clues relate to these 4 chosen names but there are also 2 red herrings. I'm not going to say if you're right though so it really is a pointless game.

This weekend ie the rest of the day is my sister's Hen party. I can't reveal much now or I might ruin the surprises but lets just say my costume is pretty immense, and took me 2 days to make. Photos to follow.

P.s this is my last bit of stand up before motherhood which I performed on Wednesday.


  1. My guesses: Nemo. Wilbur.
    That's as far as I've got so far...

  2. I love the games that you have at your shower, especially that name clues. It looks like a 4 pics 1 word game. I'm pretty much sure that these games are so fun to play.

  3. Nevill & Romeo - Charlotte & Elizabeth
