Monday 27 June 2011

Lava Land

6 year olds have messed up brains...or adults do I'm not sure, but I might right a book called adults are from Neptune and six year olds are from Uranus.

This thought occurred to me during a conversation with several 6 year olds which went like this:

a 6 year old: Where do you live?
me: Liverpool
a six year old: ooooh I want to live in liverpool because they have purple bins there.
me: They do have purple bins there, but that's a funny reason to want to live somewhere.

(Then I explained why they have purple bins which is because liverpool fc is red and everton is blue and so the council decided on purple to make it fair.)

a six year old: So do you support everton or liverpool?
Me: neither really, I'm not really from liverpool.
a six year old: Where are you from?
Me: near Birmingham.
a six year old: where is that?
Me: in the center of England.
a six year old: wooooow!! you lived in lava in the center of the world?!

I remember thinking loads of weird stuff when I was that age, like:
-if you dreamed about someone, then they were having the same dream at the same time but from their perspective,

- if you dig far enough in the sand you can get to Australia.

-I thought that a bit of dirt I found in my belly button was my umbilical cord.

-I poured my lemoaid on the grass because I felt sorry for the grass that it always had to drink borring water.

-I also remember thinking when I was about 6 that by the time someone reaches 8 years old they are capable of being totally independent and they could run away and easily live without any help from anyone.

Sometimes I think kids are more intelligent though, like the time I asked a kid why he drew arms coming out of his head, and he just held out his arms and looked at them and I realised that from the perspective of yourself, your arms do come out your head because you can't really see shoulders. And I think it is far more sensible to draw yourself from your own perspective that someone else's.

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