I wrote a lot of rubbish this year. I wrote more blogs this year than in the last 3 years combined. That's what happens when you don't have kids to tidy up after or stand up comedy as an outlet. So I just picked one fave:
The story of Han and Dan
What a great year 2010 was. I got a car, I got a real job, there was some nudity, I recorded a rap and got engaged.
My nudity soup exchange the time I got naked for money, and then made soup.
Naked horse lady when you want to go to see some comedy/art but you accidentally take your friends to see a naked person. - great memories
Patron base rap I'm genuinely proud of this rap I recored about an obscure computer system
Letter to my boss classic poo story
Father's day short and sweet.
7 signs of aging when 24 year old me didn't want to get boring. It's slightly depressing to read now.
Engagement- the official story
The year I got married and set the goal of trying comedy.
My long term underwear strategy That time when no one was seeing my underwear (the christian thing) but I put more effort into it than I do now that I'm married. I guess there was some in between time when Dan saw me with decent underwear. 2012-2013. RIP nice underwear.
Smoke on earth smoke in hell I'm weirdly proud of this little anti smoking campaign, I feel like if I could be bothered to put it on it could go well on instagram.
The urban cheese awards Hannah tries creative writing.
My unofficial dissertation in 2011 I was studying for a Masters degree in "children and young people in society". I had to write a dissertation and it was about something I can't prove but I just know is true- dyslexics are more creative. I never finished it because I'm too dyslexic/fun to be an academic. Oh well, at least I can do comedy.
Wedding I got married! It was fun.
Tell tale signs the one where I didn't realise my tutor was blind. Embarrassing.
Ode to my Yaris a spot of poetry.
10 things to do before I'm 30 I did 8 of them! Yesterday I even found that piece of laminated ham that I laminated the night before my 30th. Mmm 3 year old laminated ham.
What a dull year this was. We had an epic adventure in 2013, but what people don't realise is that we spent all 2012 saving up and planning and we got robbed. It was all worth it in the grand scheme of things though. On a more positive note I did my first bit of stand up.
My comedy career starts here you can watch the bad quality video. I used a lot of props and did a song because I didn't really know how to do jokes.
Google vs mum who will win the battle of knowledge?
Happy new tax year We were reminiscing about how great this party was just yesterday. I was saying to Dan how our friends would never come over and roll around on our bed for a game called "turnover" nowadays. Never underestimate tax as a party theme.
Racism disclaimer The emergency blog I had to write after everyone thought I was a massive racist, this story is now part of my current comedy set
Kuwait trip We start planning our trip (photos of my grandparents trip 1953)
this year will always be the year we cycled to Kuwait for lols. loved it. Can't remember anything else we did that year.
I love my skin it keeps me in (a short poem)
Entrepreneurs it's a funny blog this one, especially if you knew that a person I take the mick out of in it actually ended up reading it, oops.
Wibble on the ribble I start cycle training and I realise theres a bit of the M6 that looks like a uterus, check out the pic!
The Bet (part 2) The ginger bet...who can have the most ginger children by 2028, only 9 years left. I need to do an update on this soon, but meet the candidates here.
trip FAQs
Our movies instead of blogging about our trip we did paper diaries and video diaries. I still enjoy watching the video ones and so does our eldest Percy.
Llama or lodger we come back from our trip and try to decide what to do with our lives.
Got a rabbit, got pregnant, had a baby, neglected the rabbit a bit.
Rabbit "facts" experimental comedy to do with my new rabbit.
Baby Jones pregnancy announcement
The adventures of bumpy Pregnant Hannah commits a minor crime
The middle sister a blog about my sister Jo and her hen night. I was very proud of my costume.
Top 10 pregnancy comments This was very funny and became a bit of stand up that I still use now.
The wedding of Jo and Elisha my sister got married! and some cervix maths.
Birth the story of the birth of Percy.
Mainly taken up with motherhood, and saying how anti technology I am and then, I got a smart phone about 6 years after everyone else. I also made a spelling mistake in a £2000 mosaic this year. Can you "BELIVE" it.
Lydia Leaves Liverpool Lydia Palmer, what a legend. In this blog she was leaving Liverpool for a boy. This weekend I'm going to her hen do to celebrate the upcoming marriage to the same boy.
Percy's favourite things
My life in cartoon I went through a brief stage of doing a cartoon a day as a diary, it was pretty fun, I should do it again.
Student days I reminisce about my student days 10 years after starting uni. This is now getting on for 14 years ago. :(
My big confession the one where I gave in and got a smart phone.
Percy's new tricks mostly cute Percy stuff but also a bit about the mosaic.
The year I became homeless and then pregnant.Rachel Greatsall a blog dedicated to my good friend Rachel Goodsall
Extreme where's wally my first go at looking after 2 toddlers at once.
Becoming second homeless the story of how we had to leave our house and had no where to go.
The Langston's homeless shelter where we ended up, we didn't know at this point it would be for 9 months.
The Best Days of Your Life I did my first hour long comedy show! So much fun.
2 years of Percy Jones
Our little lobster baby we announce our second pregnancy
Brexit for babies Trump for toddlers a creative writing piece about Brexit
Pregnant and homeless a sad one to end the year on. but luckily I now know it all had a happy ending.
Started with being pregnant and homeless and ended with being a family of 4 (plus my sister as a lodger) in a lovely house.
The baby cake the gender reveal cake that went wrong.
My friend the muslim immigrant my most read blog post (despite the fact the text doesn't show up on some phones.) it's about the great bits and the awkward bits of making friends with a random muslim immigrant that I met in the park, or as I like to call her "Samar". They have recently moved back to Egypt.
There's no place like home We got a house! We were so happy, I still am.
The birth of Eric Warning it goes into a bit too much detail.
12 days of Eric
Our A&E potty training holiday
House changes my sister moves in
End of an era a blog about my parents leaving our family home and life growing up in a village.
2 kids or 3? if you're considering this question, please read my extensive list of pros and cons.
this year I got a bit of cancer and did a lot of comedy.
6 difficult concepts for 3 year olds
Mental health awareness week my one serious blog in 10 years of blogs, talking about having depression as a teenager.
Job done! I do an hour long show all about parenting
A bit of cancer one of my most read blogs. I had cancer, spoiler alert, it's all fine now. I write about it humorously though because I'm not good at serious.
the operation
beating the frog and cancer I start doing stand up more seriously
Bring it on! Who knows what this year will bring? New things this year are: launching my comedy club and starting doing airbnb which will hopefully give me some comedy material. And we're going on our first family of 4 holiday really soon.
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