If you haven't read 'The story of Han and Dan' in March 2009 that is the prequel. I will start this part of our life story on Monday 6th December, when we both had a day off work and went for a lovely walk on Winter Hill- which is a wintery hill with snow and horses near Bolton (I'm not sure what happens to it in the summer.) Dan had been acting suspiciously for months and we had talked about getting engaged quite a bit, although it was all a bit in code, we used the word 'marriage' very rarely but we'd quite often discuss issues that are further ahead than that such as: would we find out the sex of our potential baby before it was born?- this implied marriage but was a bit less scary because it was more hypothetical.
Sunday, 26 December 2010
Engagement- The Official Story
If you haven't read 'The story of Han and Dan' in March 2009 that is the prequel. I will start this part of our life story on Monday 6th December, when we both had a day off work and went for a lovely walk on Winter Hill- which is a wintery hill with snow and horses near Bolton (I'm not sure what happens to it in the summer.) Dan had been acting suspiciously for months and we had talked about getting engaged quite a bit, although it was all a bit in code, we used the word 'marriage' very rarely but we'd quite often discuss issues that are further ahead than that such as: would we find out the sex of our potential baby before it was born?- this implied marriage but was a bit less scary because it was more hypothetical.
Saturday, 18 December 2010
My Made-up Curriculum
This week in school has been interesting. I'm more used to secondary school aged children I've forgotten how much little children don't know. They really don't know anything, there's no way they could function on their own without help, we should really come up with some kind of system by which they can learn all the things they need to know in life. Sometimes I forget that they have to learn stuff in stages and I can't just talk about art at university level to them, although I have tried.
I'm not into the whole 'lets talk to children in a different voice than our normal voice' thing. Do teacher's actually know they're doing that? I find it amusing when I walk into a classroom and teacher is talking in this very sing-songy patronizing way, and then I have a little bet with myself about whether they have a normal voice that they use for adults or not. So far I've only met one teacher who has no adult setting on their voice box. it creeps me out talking to them, I feel like I'm in trouble all the time.
My method is to just talk normally but try and change my vocabulary a little bit so they can understand, as I don't generally use long words this is an easy task for me. The curriculum for art is very vague I figured I can teach what I like, I do the usual school stuff like Picasso and Monet ect but I like to throw in the odd Mentally ill Japanese instillation artist or contemporary political Palestinian artist into the mix. My students may not know how to colour neaty in the lines but they are at least very socially and politically aware, which is what you need if you're going to be an artist. You don't go to see the turner prize to see very neat colouring in do you? It was yesterday when I used the phrase 'born in exile' when I realised I had gone to far. 'what's exile?' what's a refugee?' 'why are they refugees?' 'when did the artist make a Islamic prayer mat from a bed of nails?' I realised in that moment that you can explain why an artist would make a Islamic prayer mat from a bed of nails, to people who still believed in Santa.
Sunday, 12 December 2010
Miss Marshall the Christmas Decoration
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
My Family
They are not in constant awe of technology everytime they ride the tube.
They think £4 in an acceptable price for a sandwidge.
They have never seen a real life tree.
But back to my sister...I'm pretty much the reson she's alive in the first place, when I was 7 or 8 I kept asking for a dog and then I changed tac and started asking for a baby sister. and when she was between the ages of newborn and 2 I was a very lovely big sister:

Awww. but you can't really blame me for not spending a load of time with her after that, I asked for a baby sister, not an atual person who can argue back. Over the years since I left home I felt that we have bonded over our shared intrest in art. I've always fancied being that nice carring supportive big sister role where she would look up to me and appreciate my artistic acheivements, and go to see exhabitions with me ect. My other sister Jo was never going to forfill this role...she's studing medcine now-how will that ever help society?! So Sarah is doing art GCSE and she always shows me her sketch books and stuff, she a far more talented at art than I was at her age. But last time I went home she droped a bombshell on me....her A level choices - French, Biology, Psychology and Maths. MATHS MATHS! why oh why would you do MATHS! and to add insult to indury she's even considering doing further maths! Her art teacher attually said to her that 'she'd broken her heart' I personally think that this teacher needs to get out more. I'm not attually heart broken I just need to find a new aprentice now that I'm the only member of my family that hasn't done maths for A level.
I'm thinking of getting one of my cousins I'll probably go for the youngest one Joshusa who is about 6 the younger they are the more impressionalable they are. So in 20 years time if your watching the tunner prize- look out for him.
Monday, 22 November 2010
Comedy Kisses
I think kissing is a weird concept, I mean it's normal because we're all used to a world in which kissing exsists, but if you were from a plannet where you never kissed, then I think it might be one of the things you struggle with culturally. Like clapping, I think it's odd when large groups of people bang their hands together to show they like something, and drinking cow's milk- it's clearly designed for baby cows, it kind of should be weirder for an adult to drink a cow's milk than for an adult to drink human milk, but for some reason it's not.
I know everyone is nervous on their first kiss, but think how nervous the people doing the first ever kiss would be, I mean like Adam and Eve or whoever, I wonder if they tryed lots of other things like tickeling eachother's elbows before they invented kissing.
This is the stages of my discovery of kissing (and by kissing I mean snogging):
1) Thinking that 'french kissing' was when you kiss eachother on both cheeks as a greeting, like the french.
2) saying infront of my parents friends at a party, that I was going to 'french kiss' my Dad ie give him a kiss on both cheeks.
3)being told what french kissing attually is and why I shouldn't use that term.
4) Thinking that only french people do this horrific kind of kiss that involves more than a peck on the cheek.
5) Realising that it's not only the french that kiss like that.
6) making a £100 bet with my dad that I wouldn't snog a boy before I was 17.
7) loosing the bet.
I have at least three more comedy kissing stories but I think they're not for the internet, ask me in real life and I'll tell you....attually one of them I can share:
I had just bought a brand new coat and I went round to meet up with a load of friends at Will and Lukes old house. I was unaware of how much static electricity had built up in me from my new super static coat. Dan opened the door and welcomed me, leaning in for a kiss (and this time I do mean kiss not snog), before our lips even touched a spark like a mini lightning bolt shot between us. I attually saw the flash, and it was so painful and I made such an odd noise that everyone came out to see what happend. Dan tryed to comfort me, he made sure I was properly grouded and leaned in for a comforting are you ok kind of kiss, but I was too freaked out and scared of it happening again that I didn't go near him. I calmed down, grounded my self again touched his hand first and then tryed to kiss him again but I could only go to a couple of cm away from him and then I kept getting freeked out and laughing, this happed about 10 times before I attually managed to give him a normal kiss. I think there's a phrase when two people like eachother that there's 'a spark between them' but if you really think about it, I don't think that's a good thing.
Saturday, 20 November 2010
My Guide To Eygpt

Saturday, 6 November 2010
Essays Suck
I was thinking of quitting the course last year as I could still leave with a qualification, but the lure of a free laptop, having my course fees paid for and still being able to cheekly use my student discount even though I work almost full time was too much for me. Oh well hopefully in a year I will have an M.A .........even though I will be fat-I can't remeber how long my dissertation is but I think it's a lot of biscuits worth.
Because I find reading really hard my method of writting essay's has become: read some articles and then absolutly everything I read has to go in the essay even if it's not answering the question because I don't like going through the effort of reading something for no reason. (from reading my blog I think it is obvious I don't read them through afterwards, sorry if they're incomprehendable.) If you think about it I'm kind of like the litterary version of someone who is constantly talking and never listening.
My essay is about children's rights..... and this document called 'the U.N Convention on the Rights on the a Child' which is like a document written by adults and only read by adults which in my opinion makes it pointless. There's no point me learning as an adult that 10 or 20 years ago I had the right to 'rest play and leisure' I can't go back in time to that moment when I had to write lines all lunch time for deliberatly forgetting to get off the school bus at the big cold swimming pool and acidently getting of at the nice warm baby pool with the infants even though I was a junior. If I could go back to that time with the knowlege I have of childrens rights now that would be awesome.....imagain the sceen:
angry teacher: how dare you diliberatly aviod swimming lessons! you will stay in at play time and write 50 lines!
Cheeky ginger kid: I understand the need to repremand me for my actions sir, but may I first reffer you to artical 31 in the UNCRC the right to rest play and leisure, I feel that depriving me of my play time today would infridge on my right as a child.
Angry teacher: you cheeky girl less of the backchat, 100 lines for you.
Cheeky ginger girl: I'm am only exercising my right as stated in artical 13 'the right to freedom of expression'
Angry teacher: 200 lines
Cheeky Ginger girl: Given my obvious hatred of reading and writing, doing 200 lines may come under the heading of 'tourure or other cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment' which according to artical 31 I am to be protected from.
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
my personal helplines
It made me think about my personal helplines e.g who I phone for help in what situations and I have come up with a list I wish I could publish the numbers so everyone could benifit but as I don't have a data protection advice line person I probably shouldn't just in case.
Car advice - theroretical (e.g There is a spare tyre in there somewhere)
Car advice - practical (e.g I will help you fit it)....Dan
Money and investment advice...............................Dad
forms /acconting/ excell advice ............................Mum
crap medical advice (e.g 'don't bother going to a doctor they can't do anything for you')
youth interpritation (e.g BRB stands for be right back)
cooking advice (e.g how many days after it's sell by date can you really eat eggs ect)
spritual advice........................................................Dan, Helen, Katie.
Theological advice...................................................Will
Musical knowledge..................................................Dan
Artistic advice..........................................................Rachel, Josh.
Dressmaking advice................................................Mum
french translation....................................................Dan
Business/ self employment advice........................Dad
fashion advice...........................................................Rachel
computor and internet advice................................Dan
from this list I can conclude that Dan is the most useful person to know, that's why I'm going out with him. I wonder if people ever ask me for advice? I think I could run these helplines succesfully:
crap arabic translation
crap french translation
what colour goes with what other colours advice
uk geography (specialising in the coventry ring road and translation of liverpool postcodes into atual area names)
how to make cheese sause
101 things to do with a glue gun.
Can anyone think of a business I could make with all these skills?
what happens if you put a cheese string in a glue gun?
Monday, 25 October 2010
Seven signs of aging
1) line and wrinkles
2) uneven skin texture
3) uneven skin tone
4) appearance of pores
5)blotches and age spots
6) dry skin
7) dullness
in the last couple of months I have experienced a few signs of aging that I have never experienced before.
1) listening to radio 2
2) a strange craving for brown bread instead of my usual white
3) fairly frequent discussions about tax
worrying isn't it? but just like the users of Olay I plan to combat these signs of aging,with a series of new rules that will hopefully stop this slippery slope to old age. I am currently 24 and 2 thirds, which means if I die when my grandmother died I am already middle aged. Here is my new pledge of 7 things I will not do before I'm 27, 30 and ever, anyone who reads this is responsible for holding me accountable.
before the age of 27 I shall not:
1) listen to radio 4 even for a second, unless someone else has it on. ditto radio 3 and classic fm obviously.
2)start saving for a pention
Before the age of 30 I shall not:
3) buy a bread maker or a national trust membership
4) read adult magazines...and by adult I mean something like 'the economist' not playboy
I will never ever:
5) Shop in Marks and Spencer's
6) feel the social pressure to make homemade cakes when visiting friends, (I'm allowed to home bake but only if I'm doing it out of fun not duty)
7) discuss the stock market or kitchens for more that 10 minutes per year.
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Miss Marshmallow
I've discoved schools have changed since I was at school, they seem to have interactive white board in every class and they have banned rubbers from the classroom the idea behind that is to make children carry on working through their mistakes but in reality it means that every time they make a mistake they get a new sheat of paper....what a great way to waste time and trees! I felt quite old this week when I brought in some items for obsevational drawing one of which was a casset tape and year 5s didn't know what it was. They guessed it was a video! I'm not really expecting them to own tape but at least know what they are, I've never owned a record but I know what one looks like. This week I started with the question can anyone remember my name from last week.....hillarious, my best answer was 'Miss Marshmallow'
Friday, 10 September 2010
Peanut Butter
I've been going to creative writting for a while...usually my writting stays around on my bedroom floor for a few days and then goes in the bin but this time I thought I'd share it, I'm not great at fiction really because I don't like lying but here goes...
I'm waiting in the isle nervously and then I see the worlds most beautiful woman smile as she walks towards me, I'm dressed in my finnist...well tesco's finnist...I am a jar of tesco's finnist peanut butter. 'she's never gonna pick you' a voice calls out it was Gary 'and why's that?' I ask 'she may be a fitty but she's deffo a student, so if she's going home with either of us it will most likely be me' he had a fair point, I thought at first that it would be the glamorous shopers who would want me but it's quite often the middle aged ugly ones.
The lady continued towards us, I tryed to hide my sell by date from her as there were other jars that would last longer than me, Jeffrey and Clive's gang were the new jars, orriginally put at the back but they managed to sneek forwards into prime position at the front of the shelf, it was so unjust! they had all the time in the world, I was best before 30th May 2011.
The lady stoped right in front of us, she had blond curly hair and perfectly applied lipstick, I imagined being on those delicious looking lips, she seemed to look me right in the eye as she reached out her hand and touched my lid. For a second I thought she would take me and I was ready to spend the rest of my life devoted to pleasing this beutiful woman.
Sadly it wasn't to be , she glanced up to the shelf above and picked out Tesco own brand chocolate and hazelnut spread, I caught a glimpse as he was placed in the trolly. It was steve, I don't know him that well he's a friend of a friend really, I'm happy for him of course but not as happy as I would have been for myself, I know I could have impressed that woman with my beutifully formed organic nuts, she would have found me tasty, I bet I could have even achived my ultimate ambition of being eaten straight off a finger.'
Friday, 3 September 2010
The one big bonus of driving I thought would be food shopping, I have this thought every time I'm turning right at a major junction with no lights or helmet and a million shoping bags on my handle bars, however I recently discovered the pros of driving your shopping home are almost outweighed by the cons of shopping with a trolly not a basket. I realised that when I had pushed my trolly though the isle where you go to pay and then tryed to squize back to the bit where you put your pin number in and I got traped for quite a long time in between the trolly and the isle. My housemate Amber has never laughed so hard.
Thursday, 12 August 2010
Africa for Wimps
It's hot but not actually too hot because it is mountainous. (a pleasant 25'c all year round)
It's poor but not too dangerous or corrupt because it is a very christian country.
There are other languages but the official main language is English.....see what I mean?
We crammed a lot of stuff into our two week trip, I got to see most the animals from the Lion King which is the best Disney film ever made- probably the best film ever made. We went rafting and body boarding in the Nile and I got to test out some myths about the equator. It turns out the thing about water going clockwise in the north and anti-clockwise in the south is actually true because there was an experiment set up at the equator. even though the bowls were only a few meter apart it was enough to make a difference and the water in the bowl on the equator goes straight down which was weird to watch. The other myth about people walking on there hands in the southern hemisphere turned out to be false.
If you work for channel 5 and want to produce a program entitled something like 'Extraordinary Genitalia' Uganda is the place to go:
Friday, 23 July 2010
Grown-up Stuff
This old man who was a volunteer in the gallery I work at insulted me by not looking at my 24 year old eyes today:
old man: are you on work experience?
me: no I work here.
old man: oh is this just a little job for you before you go to uni?
me: no I've been to uni
old man: oh! you must be older than 21!
me: I'm 24
old man: you must be able to get a better job than working here with your dergee what was it in?
me: Art
old man: oh well, nervermind.
he pretty much insulted me at every stage of the conversation. If he though it was such a bad job why was he volunteering? at least I was being paid.
So anyway my new job is being an art workshop leader in lots of schools all over the north west. (that is replacing my job with the naughty kids but I will still do causal gallery work as a top up job) This company that have taken me on only take people on recomendation, and my friend Roz recomended me which ment I had the easist interview ever because there was no compotition, I just had to not be a total weirdo which I nearly managed. The interview was not far from my house just the other side of sefton park but not on a bus route so I cycled, but the problem was-
A: rain makes everywhere muddy
B: if you cycle through the park it is easy to come out the wrong exit and get lost
C: riding as fast as you can because you are lost when it is muddy and you don't have mud gaurds on your bike is not sensible before an interview.
The place I was interviewed had no mirrors so I have no idea if I had mud on my face, I definatly had some splatterd up my jumper, and when I got home there was some on my neck which I'm hoping was from the ride home. The point is I still got the job.
I didn't really manage to get rid of that first impression a few days later when I went to their office to give in stuff for a CRB check, it was really really pouring down like - you have to change your underwear when you get home wet. I'd brought my 8 previous CRB check with me just to prove that if I'm a weirdo, it's the safe kind. I discoverd CRBs are not waterproof even if they're in a waterproof-ish bag. the the ink runs everwhere so I can't even prove I'm not a crimanal now.
So that is the story of my new job, I also have to get a car to do that job, (I hope I have more luck with cars than bikes, I'm currently on my 7th bike since I've been in liverpool, which is 5 years.) and also I'm moving house to a different area of liverpool I've never lived in before. Tonight is my last night in this house before I move to my new house via the exciting detinations of Uganda and Coventry.
Sunday, 18 July 2010
So I'm thinking about having my nose peirced, and if I can get my hair braided well I'm in uganda I will definatly do that.
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Posh Protesting

This week my family were involved in the poshist protest I've ever seen. If your village was about to be destroyed to make way for a high speed railway would you get a marching band? Or would you think 'I shall juggle my clubs in anger' like my sister. I saw the whole news item on midlands today and infront of the marching band was 3 or 4 tractors. I think the people of northen Ireland and Gaza could learn at lot from the people of Burton Green. There posh protesting might not get them anything but at least it is fun for all the family.
Thursday, 24 June 2010
The Chinese
you can see how unacurrate google translate is by translating a sentence into chinese and then back to English again. My first sentence come out like this:
'You may have noticed that more than half of the comments in my blog. I do not know why the Chinese people very much want to see my blog, they will understand it better. For some I think humor is very difficult, even for Americans to understand'
even more funny is points 4 and 5 from my previous blog:
'4) Your idea is interesting holiday sailing across the English Channel 7 take effect, the opposite of a Palestinian refugee camp stranded in Uganda, some even more interesting than the packet camping holiday.
5) The ability to roar once you have an apple.'
next time I have an apple I will roar, that sounds like a fun tradition to start. Here is a message for the chinese, all one billion of them:
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Father's Day
here are some resons why you are my favorite dad
1) when I was little and I used to play pretend games you would be anything I told you to be, even if it was a climbing frame or someone pretending to be someone else.
2) you can make a perfect boiled egg.
3) you encorage my rebelious side.
4) your ideas of fun holidays are sailing in force 7 across the channel, staying opposite a refugee camp in palestine and camping in uganda- definatly more fun than the package holiday stuff.
5) you have the ability to peal an apple in one go.
6) I haven't got any other Dads
I hope you enjoy the novelty fathers day hankies I made you, and I hope you find blowing you're nose on pictures of things you hate is theraputic for you. I esspecially like the Areil Sharon hankie I think there may be a gap in the market for personalised policical hankies.
Monday, 14 June 2010
Patron Base Rap
Thursday, 10 June 2010
So me a Dan are both a bit wierd which makes things fun. On our first date before we were officially going out Dan said a few times 'what do normal people do?' and then he came up with the phrase 'more than normal' which is a nice way of saying we're weird. People often comment that we suit eachother well because we both have the same surreal sence of humor. The other day we were texting each other it started with me asking how you spell. 'In-ish-a-tive' (which I now know is initiative) and ended with Dan saying he would 'my booty so scrumdelicious' and it's how it got from initative to scrumdelicous booty that I would like to document as a typical Han and Dan text conversation.
Han to Dan:
How do you spell the word that is phenetacally spelt: In-ish-a tive and means thinking of something and doing it without being asked? Even my super clever dyslexic mashine doesn't know. x
Dan to Han:
Initative, I didn't even have to look it up yey me! How's the application going? Love Dan.
Han to Dan:
Thanks, it's going ok. I'm having my ear syrindged tommorrow, : ( have a good rest of the day dictionary Dan.
Dan to Han:
Have a good time at work scrumdelicious Han. Dan
Han to Dan:
My cooking's too scrumdelicious for you babe...sing that to the tune of Destiny's childs boodelicious. we could make it into a pop video with me wearing a sexy apron and you licking chocolate off a whisk! x
Dan to Han:
Oooh if you can engineer a colender into this video I'm yours. As long as I get to be the black one. Dan.
Han to Dan:
With all the melted chocolate I'm going to smother on you you'll look black. x
Dan to Han:
Saucy or rather chocolately! I'd shake my ghetto booty for you. oh yeah sings: my booty so scrumdelicious! Dan
Saturday, 29 May 2010
Dear Virgin
Dear Virgin,
I wanted to congratulate you as an organisation for your moral values in a day and age where morals seem to have gone out of the window. It is rare for a company as large as yourselfs to adear so closely to biblical principles. I know that Cadbury's were on of the first companies to trully look after their workers and provide them with deccent housing and that this was born out of their religious Quaker rootes, but to only employ virgins in your company is very noble of you. It must be a considerable sacrifice for older members of your company such as Richard Branson to have keept their virginity for all this time. However I was wondering what is your policy with your staff who are married? Must they also refrain from sexual activity? because I feel that this is a little to harsh, even Christians have sex within the context of marrige and this even encoraged in the bible- shocking I know! 'the husband should not deprive his wife of sexual intermacy, which is her right as a married woman, nor should the wife deprive her husband' (1 Corinthians 7:3) I'd be intrigued to know what your policy on this is. Once again may I congratulate you on your outstading moral values.
Yours sincerly
Miss H Wibble
Sunday, 23 May 2010
The Naked Horse Lady
So this live art comedy thing started with the most unfunny couple in the world saying unfunny things to each other, it wasn't even funny in the 'it's funny coz it's not funny way' it just wasn't funny. The they left the stage and a woman who was wearing absolutly nothing except a pair of red shoes and a rubber horse's head walked on to the stage and talking in a belguim accecent about being a horse, but thinking she was a different horse to the one she was. it want on for a quite a while, I tryed to look at my friends in a sorry-for-bringing-you-here sort of way but unfortunatly there's not some kind of international sign language for 'I didn't intend to make you pay to see a naked woman with a horses head' the horse lady then started walking into the audience and decided to sit down on the seat next to my friend Hazel who had never been to a studio event before and probably never will again. The horse lady asked Hazel to stroke her....what do you do in this situation?! no one wants to stroke a naked lady who's wearing a horse head but then it's a bit rude to refuse to do something by a woman it one of the most vunrable positions ever..naked with very little vision infront of an audience. Hazel was very diplomatic and stroked the head of the horse not the atual woman. There are two life lessons that I will take away from this experience: first never take people to live art events you know nothing about and second be prepaired for every eventuality even if it is as unlikely as knowing what you would do if a naked woman with a horses' head asks you to stroke her. I quite often prepaire myself for the senario of a man holding me at gunpiont and saying 'is a sausage dog a dog or a sausage?' or ''is a hotdog a dog or a sausage?' me and my housemate Danni do it to each other at random intervals just to test our reflexes, but I think I need to branch out to more surreal senarios just in case.
Friday, 21 May 2010
A letter to my boss
I am writing to express my concern about the lack of toilet facilities specifically for staff use on our premisis. I am under the impression that most organisations the size of ours that work with young people do have a seperate staff toilet. I know that funding is tight and you may think that money can be put to better use elsewhere but let allow me to put forward and argument for a staff toilet by drawing on some anecdotal evidence:
Yesterday after I'd finished work I went to the toilet to do a poo, I have a personal rule not to poo if I can hear anyone else in the toilet area, when I sat down the toilet was empty so I proceded to go about my business. Mid -poo a student walked in, just at the point of no return, I had no choice but to continue, I'd tryed to minimise the 'plop' sound as best I could, but unfortunatly I was all to aware of an audible 'plop' I finished my business and went out to wash my hand when I was greeted by the student who said 'alright Hannah' in a friendly fashion. I breathed a sigh of relef - either she hadn't heard or she wasn't going to mention it. She continued 'did you have a good poo? I can smell it!' (I personally think she couldn't smell it she could only hear it) I answered 'yes' I could hardly deny it and I like to think I was making a small step to removing the taboo that sourounds pooing.
After washing my hands I walked out to be greeted by another smiling overly friendly youth, this time I was suspicious and I had every right to be as they continued to question me about my poo very loudly in the busy recception area. I decided the only thing to do was to refused to be embarrased, it is a natural bodily function after all. I contiued as normal collecting my bike and signing out of the building redy for my ride home. Gathered by the railing were a whole gang of youths smoking and laughing, as I walked my bike past them they began to ask me in great detail about my toilet experience. not not be out done I tryed to answer back in equally as much detail ' I had a fantastic poo thanks, there's nothing better after a hard day at work than to relax by having a massive poo'
So if you don't want members of staff standing outside your building shouting about their poo then a staff toilet is nessisary. It is my ambition to one day work for an organisation where you can share a toilet with people who are to polite to tell you they can hear or smell your poo.
yours sincerly
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
The Blood-Stained Hat
Back to reality- this is the hat found outside my house, it looked a lot more blood-stained than this in real life. The police phoned me back about the incedent I reported, they said it was lads playfighting and I was like really that's not what it sounded like? and then they said 'oh no sorry- it was domestic, half the crimes on my list are play fight and half are domestic I get confused sometimes.' Woo! go mersyside police, hope you don't mistakes like that when your arresting people. I'm half expecting them to phone back and say 'oh atually it was murder'
Monday, 3 May 2010
'The Busys'
There's been a couple of other times that I could have phone the police but they were both in situations where the scaryness of what was happening outweighed my excitment about phoning the police and someone else ending up calling. but this time it was quite fun, there was a fight in my street and a lot of shouting 'your a *uckin* lesbian' (I thougt I go for alturnative starring there) it carried on for about five minutes well I watched out of my window thinking 'can I justify calling the police they're only really arguing', but then I saw a bit of kicking and some more vehicals pulling up so I though I could justify it. Its quite exciting watching crime from the comfort of your own bed. The next day there was a blood stained hat outside my neighbours house, I'm not sure if that's connected.
Sunday, 2 May 2010
My Nudity-Soup Exchange
- When a model is naked don't talk to them or even look them in the eye.
- when they are clothed have a nice chat with them.
this means that models need to bring a dressing gown so that the artists can direct them inbetween poses.
The bit I was nervous about was going to this womans flat, even though I'd spoken to her on the phone and she sounded like an old lady, it could have been a elaborate plot involving an evil gang of men ad a webcam or something. Me and Dan arraged beforehand that if he hadn't heard from me by 4pm he would come and break her door down. Good job my phone didn't run out of battery or anything that could have been unfortunate.
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Santa's little helper

Thursday, 15 April 2010
I Hate Harvard Referencing
It's easy enough to reference books and stuff you just write the title and authour and a few other bits of pointless information, and then randomly highlight a bit of it and put it in italics and add in some of the puntuation that doesn't get used much in everyday life and feels left out like this ( ) :
but what if you're refencing something you heard in a game of chinnese whispers? or what if you're referencing a quote you saw tatooed on a sailor's arm which was inspired by his mum's facebook status which was quoting part of an artical she read in heat magazine? How would you reference that?
Friday, 26 March 2010
3 twelths to Pink Cornflakes
so hours just go in rainbow colours:
1 O'clock = Red O'clock
2 O'clock = Orange O'clock
3 O'clock = Yellow O'clock
4 O'clock = Green O'clock
5 O'clock = Blue O'clock
6 O'clock = Purple O'clock
Then from 7 O'clock to 12 O'clock you have to think of the same rainbow clours and visualise them being mixed with white paint and that becomes the colour e.g
7 O'clock = Pink O'clock
8 O'clock = Peach O'clock
9 O'clock = Cream O'clock
10 O'clock = Mint Green O'clock
11 O'clock = Baby Blue O'clock
12 O'clock = Lilac O'clock
-Then for telling the minutes you alway say how long to the next hour, never how long past the hour.
-Time is always said in fractions it's never 10 to an hour it's always 1 sixth to the hour.
-The fractions that are banned are half and quarters they are banned because they aren't very original.
-This leaves Twelths, sixths, and thirds.
so 5 past = 11 twelths to
10 past = 5 sixths to
quarter past=9 twelths to
twenty past = 2 thirds to
9:45 = 3 twelths to mint green O'clock
4:10= 5 sixths to blue O'clock
7:30 = 6 twelths to peach O'clock
1:40= a third to orange O'clock
Then if you want to be able to know wheather it's 2pm or 2am you add a food to the end of your time. The problem I find with am and pm is that I think 2am is really the evening and 2pm is really the morning, so I feel the need for three different endings to depict the time of day. I have chosen the endings cornflakes to represent morning, sandwidge to reprosent afternoon, and pizza to reprosent evening/night time. so If you haven't learned the official times off by heart which of course you should, you can just guess at whats the most likely thing that you would be eating at that time, but here are the offcial times. I've taken off the unessiasry O'clocks and added the AM/PM substitutes
1am-Red Pizza
2am-Orange Pizza
3am-Yellow Pizza
4am-Green Pizza
5am-Blue Cornflakes
6am-Purple Cornflakes
7am-Pink Cornflakes
8am-Peach Cornflakes
9am-Cream Cornflakes
10am-Mint Green Cornflakes
11am-Baby Blue Cornflakes
12 noon-Lilac Sandwidges
1pm-Red Sandwidges
2pm-Orange Sandwidges
3pm-yellow Sandwidges
4pm-Green Sandwidges
5pm-Blue Pizza
6pm-Purple Pizza
7pm-Pink Pizza
8pm-Peach Pizza
9pm- Cream Pizza
10pm-Mint Green Pizza
11pm-Baby Blue Pizza
Midnight-Lilac Pizza
So you should now be able to work out any time with my new and more creative way of telling the time. Here are some examples:
3.20pm= 2 thirds to Green Sandwidge
10:10pm= 5 sixths to Baby Blue Pizza
6:45am=3 twelths to Pink Cornflakes
Next time someone asks you for the time, answer them with this new way of telling the time but give them no explanation and maybe people will start working it out and it could catch on. Try it I dare you.
Friday, 19 March 2010
Inflatable Christmas Tree Fun
Last week was a good week though, and I finally won my campain for good art stuff, so for the first time ever we have really deccent acrilic paints and oil pastels and charcoal and canvases, which makes teaching art so much more fun. I wanted the student to take ownership over their new stuff and really look after it and value it. So I decided on having pretend christmas. This involed me cycling 8 miles through liverpool with and inflatable christmas tree on one handle bar, and tubes of acric paint wraped in wraping paper on the other (well technically is wasn't wraping paper it was free wall paper samples but whatever) I also had tinsel and a santa outfit in my bag.
So instead of my class walking into their normal class room they walked into a kind of low budget santa's grotto, but they loved it. They ripped open the presents in about 30 seconds, and I did acheive my aim of getting them to take ownership, but they took that a bit to far. After they'd opened the presents I said 'ok lets get the desks out and put all the art stuff in the middle' but things I tell them to do are not often top of their list of priorities. As far as they were concerened they had just been given a gift and they wern't ever going to give it back or share it. The tubes of paint were already in their bags. One girl had 20 pencils that she was going to keep all to herself, one girl had unwraped 2 canvases and wasn't prepaired to give away one of them. The only thing they were willing to share out were the document wallets, I guess you can't get a lot of weed in return for 20 document wallets.
Saturday, 6 March 2010
Lie detecting pants of doom!
The job of the jury would be a lot easier, they wouldn't have to make any decisions, all they would have to do is shout 'liar liar pant on fire!' and I personally think people would do jury service voluntarily if they got to see criminals with their pants on fire. so this would save even more public money. I think if I put this idea forward to the government they would eventually accept it. Some weirdo in the oldern days got them to wear silly wigs and they still do that now, surely my idea is more sensible than that.
Friday, 5 March 2010
What does a lesbian look like?
I wonder what course you have to do to read that book, and what job you would get after doing that course. can you put 'I know what a lesbian looks like' on your c.v? It's as stupid as a book called 'what does a fart sound like?' or a piece of music called 'what does rubarb taste like?' If I wanted to publish a book called 'what does a lesbian look like?' (which by the way I don't) but if I did I would just google lesbians and then print out the first 20 images.
I was telling this story on the bus and Helen was begging me not to be so loud, so I tryed to wisper the title of the book. There was this man sitting next to me that aparently leaned in so he could try and hear what the title of the book I found so hilarious was.
Saturday, 20 February 2010
Election Time
I'm not a major fan of politics just because I don't think they make it fun and accessable for every one. I mean they have signs everywhere on election day saying 'polling station' and that does sound like a fun adventure place you'd go on a stag night to do a dangerous sport. But in reality voting isn't fun or dangerous, at least not in this country. My Dad took this photo on election day in palestine (2006) though and people seem to be getting more into the spirit of it there:
I also think 16 year olds should be allowed to vote because if your old enough to have sex you should really be allowed to vote. Maybe if you were allowed to vote at 16 soaps would have story lines like this:
Teanage Girl: Mum, I've got some thing to tell you, I made a terrible mistake today, I'm sorry, I was just drunk and not thinking straight....
Mum: what did you do? you're not pregnate are you?
Teanage Girl: No nothing like that, I went into a polling station and voted for the Tory's.
Mum: What!! That's even worse! how could you be so thoughtless? If they get in you'll have to live with the consequences for the rest of your life!!
Teanage Girl: I'm so sorry, it was just the pressure of being old enough to vote, and seeing david camerons face on that billboard, all my freinds were voting for him, I just did it to fit in.
I also think 16 year old should be allowed to buy sparklers as long as they don't light them whilst have sex because that could be dangerous.
I don't Know who I will vote for though, I'm kind of board with labour coz they've been around since I was 11 and I don't remember much politaically before that, and although a lot of people hate the conservertives I don't feel like they've personally wronged me. I think when I was in reception class we might have stoped getting free milk, but don't think I liked cold milk then anyway, so I'm prepaired to forgive them on that one. I think voting for the conservitives might be like having my hair cut short though, I enjoy the novelty of it for a bit but then I'll want it back the way it was.
I think I will conclude my very interlectual political blog post with a list of other more exciting way's to have a election inspired by Phil who suggested Brown and Cameron had a Gym bench fight after reading my previous blog.1) The top 10 candiates for primeminister go into a big brother style house and one is voted out each week. They are set tasks each week like solve unemployment with only £5000 and a box of toilet roles or rescue the NHS with £3000 a tin of tomatoes and a gun. The winner gets to be priminister.
2) A Thumb War Between Gordan Brown and David Cameron.
3) Gordan Brown and David cameron have to my job, teaching Art to really naughty teenagers that have been expelled, in a falling down building with only a box of broken pencils. Whoever can't take it any longer looses and the other one get to be priminister.
4) The first one who can succesfully get past security and break into number 10 wins, in a 'finders keeper loosers weepers' kind of way.
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Dear Tony Blair...
I know you've been waiting for my answer to the middle east crisis because it's really your job to sort that whole mess out now, and I know you read my blog. I've been working on this issue in my head for 13 years now ever since I first went to Israel and Palestine in 1997 when I was 11. I remember when I came back I wanted to live there, and I remember thinking a lot about the issues. I once did a gym routine, where I was Benjamin Netenyahou and I made my best friend at the time Frankie be Yassa Arafat and essencially we just had a big fight on those gym benches that are the main componant of primary school gyms. Yassa won, because in my 11 year old logic he was the goodie. political gym routines are where it's at, I'd like to see a lot more of them in the 2012 olympics.
Anyway back to 1997...my solution to the middle east crisis then, was simular to the solution for who had the biggist slice of pizzza in my house. One cuts the other chooses, I even didn't mind the israelis cutting who were not really my favorites of the two sides. I know your not ment to have favorites but our family holiday was a little bit biased, we stayed opposit a palestinian refugee camp and most of the israelis we saw had guns and looked scary. -I loved my non-packaged childhoood family holidays!
Things have come a long way since then and I have made 3 more trips there on my own totalling 4 months living there. Plus I've read a few things and done art based on it, and I even know someone who's babysitter is the neice of Yassa (that's one of my favorite claims to fame, if you don't know who yassa is he's the one that's famous for the 'tea-towl-on-your-head' look, although he's dead now) so with all this political information in my brain I'm now at least as qulified as Tony to do the middle east job, plus I recently watched a Ross Kemp documentary. In that documentary he basically said there are good people who want peace on both sides but there are also a minority on both sides that want to keep fighting...so that's basically 3 groups, and what I realised is there's also 3 bits of land: Israel, the west bank and Gaza.
so the obvious solution is:
Israel is kept just for nice Israelis the kind that just want to eat bagels.
The West Bank is kept for the nice Palestinians the kind that just want to eat falafil
and Gaza can be for the baddies the kind of people who don't care about bagels or falafil the kind that just want to kill each other. After a while all the badies will have killed eachother and the world will be a happy place.
So Tony there's something for you to be getting on with, let me know when it's sorted.
Friday, 29 January 2010
saving the world
I was reading this week about how awlful our current education system is and how bad our childrens spelling and grammer is and I know mine is really bad, but this week I heard a teacher say 'I've been inspirationed by indian music and I want to learn it you' I tryed to be a supportive suport worker, and nod and smile but I couldn't it was just too funny.
I feel like I am nearly at a point at which I know how I could save the world but not quite, my thought so far are that if everyone spent more time playing board games with friends and family that would at least slow down our society from meeting it's impending doom. I bought two board games from charity shops this week so I definatly feel like I'm doing my bit to save the world.
I wrote this blog attually a while ago, since then I have come up with a plan to save the middle east which I will share next time.
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Anyway I've had my midlife crisis already. I think that was when I was turning 14 or 15 and I realised I couldn't wear orange jeans forever. I hated the thought of beeing older when I was younger because there was a definate divide between adults and children and having birthdays was like joining the enemy.
There has been a lot of snow recently, possible the longist lasting I have ever seen. It started on the day I had my driving theory test, which I went into town for and then couldn't get the bus back because all got cancelled. On the way back I passes some people having a snowball fight, who looked far to old for that kind of stuff but it turned out they were my friends and I was invited to join, by the new method of invitation that only aplies in snow: everyone thowing snowballs at your window.
On Wednesday I got the day off work after a long conversation with my boss who I eventually realised couldn't tell me not to come in but was trying to subtly tell me, to tell him ,I couldn't come in. but I really wasn't getting it.
I went on a trip to sefton park with other people who had got the day off. I managed to put my foot in what I percived to be a frozen lake, straight after laughing at Jon for doing the same.
p.s I've discoved the perfect murdor wepon: a pointy icycle because it will melt away leaving no evedence.