Today I've got a flat tyre on the car that is almost my car. I phoned AA, Dan and my Dad. Dan and Dad gave helpful advice, the AA were rubish, but should you really expect cohearent advice from alcoholics?
It made me think about my personal helplines e.g who I phone for help in what situations and I have come up with a list I wish I could publish the numbers so everyone could benifit but as I don't have a data protection advice line person I probably shouldn't just in case.
Car advice - theroretical (e.g There is a spare tyre in there somewhere)
Car advice - practical (e.g I will help you fit it)....Dan
Money and investment advice...............................Dad
forms /acconting/ excell advice ............................Mum
crap medical advice (e.g 'don't bother going to a doctor they can't do anything for you')
youth interpritation (e.g BRB stands for be right back)
cooking advice (e.g how many days after it's sell by date can you really eat eggs ect)
spritual advice........................................................Dan, Helen, Katie.
Theological advice...................................................Will
Musical knowledge..................................................Dan
Artistic advice..........................................................Rachel, Josh.
Dressmaking advice................................................Mum
french translation....................................................Dan
Business/ self employment advice........................Dad
fashion advice...........................................................Rachel
computor and internet advice................................Dan
from this list I can conclude that Dan is the most useful person to know, that's why I'm going out with him. I wonder if people ever ask me for advice? I think I could run these helplines succesfully:
crap arabic translation
crap french translation
what colour goes with what other colours advice
uk geography (specialising in the coventry ring road and translation of liverpool postcodes into atual area names)
how to make cheese sause
101 things to do with a glue gun.
Can anyone think of a business I could make with all these skills?
what happens if you put a cheese string in a glue gun?
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
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