Saturday, 6 November 2010

Essays Suck

I've never wanted to write an essay less than the one I'm suposedly writing today. I've become one of those people who has to reward themself with a biscuit every 100 words or so. I've also got the heating turned up and I'm wearing an ugly but warm and furry hoody I bought for a quid, just for extra compfort through the anguish of essay writing. Even a cancer victim whose just split up with their boyfriend wouldn't indulge themself with as many compforts as I am.

I was thinking of quitting the course last year as I could still leave with a qualification, but the lure of a free laptop, having my course fees paid for and still being able to cheekly use my student discount even though I work almost full time was too much for me. Oh well hopefully in a year I will have an M.A .........even though I will be fat-I can't remeber how long my dissertation is but I think it's a lot of biscuits worth.

Because I find reading really hard my method of writting essay's has become: read some articles and then absolutly everything I read has to go in the essay even if it's not answering the question because I don't like going through the effort of reading something for no reason. (from reading my blog I think it is obvious I don't read them through afterwards, sorry if they're incomprehendable.) If you think about it I'm kind of like the litterary version of someone who is constantly talking and never listening.

My essay is about children's rights..... and this document called 'the U.N Convention on the Rights on the a Child' which is like a document written by adults and only read by adults which in my opinion makes it pointless. There's no point me learning as an adult that 10 or 20 years ago I had the right to 'rest play and leisure' I can't go back in time to that moment when I had to write lines all lunch time for deliberatly forgetting to get off the school bus at the big cold swimming pool and acidently getting of at the nice warm baby pool with the infants even though I was a junior. If I could go back to that time with the knowlege I have of childrens rights now that would be awesome.....imagain the sceen:

angry teacher: how dare you diliberatly aviod swimming lessons! you will stay in at play time and write 50 lines!

Cheeky ginger kid: I understand the need to repremand me for my actions sir, but may I first reffer you to artical 31 in the UNCRC the right to rest play and leisure, I feel that depriving me of my play time today would infridge on my right as a child.

Angry teacher: you cheeky girl less of the backchat, 100 lines for you.

Cheeky ginger girl: I'm am only exercising my right as stated in artical 13 'the right to freedom of expression'

Angry teacher: 200 lines

Cheeky Ginger girl: Given my obvious hatred of reading and writing, doing 200 lines may come under the heading of 'tourure or other cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment' which according to artical 31 I am to be protected from.

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