Thursday, 30 September 2010

Miss Marshmallow

I've started my new job working in lots of different primary schools doing art workshops, I'm not used to cute kids, I'm used to scary scallies who threaten to burn down your house, so it's nice to walk into a class and not be instantly hated. It's pretty good for my genral moral to show an example of my work and here 'woooooow!' and 'when I grow up I want to be just like Monet' and 'Miss can I tell you something.....I just love your curly hair.'

I've discoved schools have changed since I was at school, they seem to have interactive white board in every class and they have banned rubbers from the classroom the idea behind that is to make children carry on working through their mistakes but in reality it means that every time they make a mistake they get a new sheat of paper....what a great way to waste time and trees! I felt quite old this week when I brought in some items for obsevational drawing one of which was a casset tape and year 5s didn't know what it was. They guessed it was a video! I'm not really expecting them to own tape but at least know what they are, I've never owned a record but I know what one looks like. This week I started with the question can anyone remember my name from last week.....hillarious, my best answer was 'Miss Marshmallow'

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