So this needs assament guy was talking me through my psychologists report yesterday, which I've had for 4 years but not really read properly....because I'm dyslexic which means I DON'T LIKE READING. So anyway it turns out that I'm an atual genius at 'understanding conseptual similarities'...whatever that means. I'm in the more than 99.9 percentile for it. but my percentile for decoding symbols within symbols is 2. So I come out as kind of normalish but attually I'm super clever and some things and very bad at others.
So this man's job is a bit like being santa's middle man, he has to decide what I need and wheather I really need it enough for santa (or my local authrity) to pay for it. The easyist way is for you to go in there and say all this stuff you "need" but I'm not really good at lying. I was a bit too honest about what I used my degree disabled student allowence for. Using up your photocopy budget by doing enlaged photocopyies of feathers and gliter is not what they want to hear, but what do you expect, when you give a creative student who hates reading a ridiculus amount of money to spend on photocopying. This is one of my photocopies:

I did manage not to tell him about the time I bought shoes with the book money. My local authority had just written to me and told me they weren't going to check my recipts anymore. My freind Dave justified my shoe buying by saying "spell this word or I'll stamp on your foot!"
When I was doing my degree about 4 years ago is when I got the free computor, and it still works alright, so when it came to the bit at the end about what I attually need I said I don't really need anything, which is not what they want to here. I would quite like a laptop but in order to get one we had to play a silly game of 'try and think of a reason to justify you having a laptop' I had about five attepts before I hit the jackpot answer.
'I could do my work downstairs infront of the T.V'
'I could work on trains'
'They're pretty'
'it's less anoying when you move house'
'I could sell my old one and buy shoes'
and the jackpot answer: 'I could take it to work'
it's true that I could take it to work but I wouldn't ever do that because both my places of work have computors, it would be too heavy to carry on my bike and if I took it to my job with the expelled kids it would prabably get trashed. Nevermind that though, I said the jackpot answer, that was the end of the meeting he's going to write to santa or whoever and tell them I need a laptop. I love being dyslexic.
Great post Han. You're a great writer, dyslexic or not!