Saturday, 29 May 2010

Dear Virgin

I have been inspired by a book called 'Dear Customer Services' by Terry Ravenscroft. He writes to food companies like tesco and heinz or whatever and either complains or praises the product, the first letter starts of quite normal and then in his replys he gets more and more stupid like saying their product is improving his sex life. it's very funny. Anyway I think I will have a go at writing to someone I was going to choose T.V licencing because I hate them but I have already writen to them a few years ago when they sent me a threatening letter about not having a T.V licence when I didn't have a T.V. I wrote in red felt pen and signed it 'Love Hannah xx' and they wrote back and atually aplogised for scaring me. I've decided to send this letter below to Virgin:

Dear Virgin,

I wanted to congratulate you as an organisation for your moral values in a day and age where morals seem to have gone out of the window. It is rare for a company as large as yourselfs to adear so closely to biblical principles. I know that Cadbury's were on of the first companies to trully look after their workers and provide them with deccent housing and that this was born out of their religious Quaker rootes, but to only employ virgins in your company is very noble of you. It must be a considerable sacrifice for older members of your company such as Richard Branson to have keept their virginity for all this time. However I was wondering what is your policy with your staff who are married? Must they also refrain from sexual activity? because I feel that this is a little to harsh, even Christians have sex within the context of marrige and this even encoraged in the bible- shocking I know! 'the husband should not deprive his wife of sexual intermacy, which is her right as a married woman, nor should the wife deprive her husband' (1 Corinthians 7:3) I'd be intrigued to know what your policy on this is. Once again may I congratulate you on your outstading moral values.

Yours sincerly
Miss H Wibble

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