Friday, 5 March 2010

What does a lesbian look like?

I was in the library yesterday. (shocking I know.) My section of the library is the youth work section but next to my bit are all the books about, relationships and sex and lesbians, and in that section I noticed a book 'What does a lesbian look like?' and although I'm not genrally a fan of books, but this is a book that might have lots of pictures in, so a had a quick flick through, but it was all words! what a stupid book.

I wonder what course you have to do to read that book, and what job you would get after doing that course. can you put 'I know what a lesbian looks like' on your c.v? It's as stupid as a book called 'what does a fart sound like?' or a piece of music called 'what does rubarb taste like?' If I wanted to publish a book called 'what does a lesbian look like?' (which by the way I don't) but if I did I would just google lesbians and then print out the first 20 images.

I was telling this story on the bus and Helen was begging me not to be so loud, so I tryed to wisper the title of the book. There was this man sitting next to me that aparently leaned in so he could try and hear what the title of the book I found so hilarious was.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA this has brightened up a work day that up till now was really rather boring!
