I went home this weekend to see my family and collect my belated easter eggs, it was a good year, the best for a long time I got a cream egg one a green and blacks butterscotch and a white choclate thorntans one with my name on it, it's times like this that a wonder if this ressecion talk is all a lie, the govelment should take what kind of easter eggs people are getting into account more when they are deciding if we are in an economic downturn or not.
The most fun part of my weekend was rowing in Lemington there were lots of people who went but are boat was the funnist by far because it had 3 fun people in it. I think I won't say their names to protect their need for anonoamousness but I will just give intresting facts about them:
Person A Once nearly exploded himself in a very dangerous bomb making experiment.
Person B Once won an award for most inapropriate behaviour whilst being on an alter.
Person C is not a relitive but has had baths with me and once had a bath with my mum! we also once went throught the macdonnalds drive through in a supermarket trolly together.
So it was a very interesting combination, esspecially as person A and person B continually played the guitar, in the car in tesco and on the boat, and person C climbed up a tree.
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