This is the birthday card I made for Dan showing his perfect day, I'm not sure how readable the writng is but the people on it are him, me Jakie chan who is doing an underwater kick and saying 'take that, lobster!' Claude debussy is saying 'bon anniversair' (because he's french) Tom Waits is saying 'great music Dan' and lydia is climbing the mountains in the background.
The day started with me blowing up ballons and drawing letters on them with marker pen that spelled out Happy 23rd Birthday Daniel. I didn't quite get the reaction I was hoping for when I hid and he opened the door to find the ballons blowing around in the wind. he just looked confused and still asleep. He woke up after I made him a nice cooked breakfast. Our plan was to go shoping and he could choose some clothes as a present from me, but I forgot that how men shop is so logical we went to the first shop he saw some jeans he liked he tryed them on and I bought them, and then we went shoping for his favorite cearel (marks and spencers tripple chocolate crunch.) So that was his birthday shoping trip over in half an hour and then we went to have tea at leaf the weird tea shop that Joy works in I had turkish apple and he had silver pine needles. mine was far nicer.
We discused these important questions:
1) If you had a band and you had to name it after a city what would you call it? (this question was inspired by Dan's C.d by a band called 'beiruit')
Dan's answer: Geneva
Han's answer: Ramalla
2) If you had to name a child after something on the tea menu what would you call it?
Han's answer: Jasmine Pearl
Dan's answer: oolong or Rubois I can't remember.
A Funny and unrelated thing that happened today is that I got another letter from the Devils of Wrath and Pain (DWP) I wrote to them in January saying basically they're idiots and if they've overpaid it's your fault and tough luck you're not getting it back and then I listed a lot of reasons why. Since then they have sent me 4 letters saying we're thinking about it and today they sent me a 9 page long letter saying someone else in glasgow is thinking about it now. It seems I have managed to use their burocracy against them. Mwah ha ha ha. I'd love to see them and T.V lisancing in a fight.
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