This week I did some talks about being an artist in a school I'm working in. I choose to show some of my kid art work like these from when I was 12...

I told them that when I was 8 I wanted to be really good at something and I thought about being an olimpic gymnast but decided instead to do lots of art and keep it in a home-made folder. On the inside of the folder I wrote 'If any of this art is sold after my death I would like the money to go to a new big cage for my gerbil goliath' I was quite a forward planner for a child but not quite forward enough to realise the gerbil was likely to die first. The teacher then told the children that basically artist only make money when they die. When it came to question time a girl asked 'what museum would you like your art in when your dead?' ...that was a difficult one to answer, but not quite as difficult as the queston 'How do you make EVERYTHING?'
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