I am almost 26... this seems like as good a time as any to write a list of things I'd like to do before I'm 30. They're not in any order.
1) Have at least one baby...I'm hoping to eventually have 2 girls and 1 boy, one them must be ginger or I'll have to keep on having children until I get a ginger one.
2) Drive to Kuwait in a Morris Minor. In memory of my grandparents who drove from Kuwait to England in a Morris Minor is 1953. I'm determined to do this even if I have to fill a lot of forms and use all my savings and come back to no job, it's got to be done.
3) Be an artist for at least 3 days a week.
4) do a some stand up comedy.
5) Laminate some ham and put a cheese string in a glue gun. (maybe as part of my stand up comedy routine.)
6) Do not give in to peer pressure... continue not to iron any of my clothes.
7) Do a mosaic on the all paving stones in the garden.
8) Always have a laugh with Dan.
9) Learn to cook a proper roast.
10) Don't become one of those couple that only hangs out with couples.
Thursday, 22 December 2011
Sunday, 18 December 2011
My Hypnotic MP
I recently went to visit my MP Luciana Burger. The purpose of my trip was to persuade her that HS2 is a stupid idea, and in turn she would of course persuade the world that HS2 is a stupid idea. HS2 would then be cancelled and everyone would celebrate. If you don't know what HS2 is it's a stupid idea. It's a railway line....and before you go off on one about we need better transport systems bla bla bla, yes we do but not this one this one is a stupid idea. You might be wondering why it's a stupid idea and I will tell you... it's a stupid idea because my Dad says so.
She doesn't look ugly enough to be an MP does she? I asked her what her opinions were on HS2 and she said she didn't feel very strongly either way but in general she was for it, and I found it very difficult to argue with her because she was so nice and smiley, even that photo of her is hypnotising me right now. I need to stop looking at it or I'll start writing what a good idea HS2 is.
My Dad doesn't know anything about fashion, he probably couldn't name anyone who's in the top 40 music charts, he can only cook boiled eggs and this chicken stew thing, he's a very inefficient ironer, and he can't unicycle and breath at the same time.... but he does have the ability to read a lot of boring facts about HS2 and then decide it's a stupid idea and give a reasoned argument as to why and then become the official spokesperson against HS2.
So when Dan and I were last visiting my parents, Dad asked us to send an email to our MP telling them that HS2 is a stupid idea - but in grown up words, she then offered to meet me to chat about it. I tried to learn some real facts about why it is stupid, and I also decided not to mention that my Dad is the main man against HS2. It was pretty difficult to be persuasive though she's got very hypnotic eyes.

Saturday, 10 December 2011
Being an Artist
This week I did some talks about being an artist in a school I'm working in. I choose to show some of my kid art work like these from when I was 12...

I told them that when I was 8 I wanted to be really good at something and I thought about being an olimpic gymnast but decided instead to do lots of art and keep it in a home-made folder. On the inside of the folder I wrote 'If any of this art is sold after my death I would like the money to go to a new big cage for my gerbil goliath' I was quite a forward planner for a child but not quite forward enough to realise the gerbil was likely to die first. The teacher then told the children that basically artist only make money when they die. When it came to question time a girl asked 'what museum would you like your art in when your dead?' ...that was a difficult one to answer, but not quite as difficult as the queston 'How do you make EVERYTHING?'
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