I've always hated rulers, I think they are morally wrong as they impose their artifitually strate lines and stiffle creativity, they are kind of like the nazi's of the stationairy world. Some people find my views a little extreamist but they are mainly scientists so I'm not that bothered.
I was teaching my art class yesterday, and we were using charcoal, charcoal is like the norweigen of the statonairy world, I think every one likes charcoal and I think everyone likes norweigens, they always win the eurovision anyway. So everyone was drawing with the charcoal and one girl got a bit gruby and I wouldn't let her go out to wash, so I tryed to encorage her by telling her she looked like an artist but she then took it too far and crushed her charcoal and spread it all over her and then shouted 'I'm an artist' and whilst I was distracted by this I failed to notice a boy using charcoal and a ruler.......wrong wrong wrong! you just can't mix the two, it made me laugh a lot, and then the boy looked a bit emmbarrassed so I tried to turn it into a positive by saying to the class 'Jack (not his real name) is really pushing the bondaries here, I've never seen an artist using charcoal with a ruler before' unfortunatly it came out a bit sarcastic sounding.
Later on I was trying to convey the levels of wrongness with a phyisist. Physisists are sometimes the hardist people to explain my concepts to, I couldn't think of a physics equivelent, but I told him a chemistry one: it's like the same as trying to do a titration (this experiment where you mix two clear things to make a pink thing but you have to be really precise) whilst wearing boxing gloves. He disagreed.
Thursday, 9 July 2009
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