Thursday, 2 July 2009

Alife ba ta

My head is a weird place, sometimes I appreciate it's abstract nature but I sometimes think it's unfair that I am the only person in the whole wide world who can't escape from it. Last night I drempt my bike was stolen and I had to got to work on a space hopper. In real life my concious head would say 'why don't you walk? it's probably quicker and your less likley to get youths throwing sticks at you.' but in dreams there is no voice of reality which is quite fun.

so anyway today somethng ever weirder came into my head, and this was into my concious awake head! it was the lyrics to Michael Jackson's ABC but in arabic. which is something like this:

Alife Ba Ta, (ABC)
it's easy as, Whahed Itneen Talade (123)
As simple as.. (I don't know what doe ray me is)
Alife Ba Ta, Whahed Itneen Talade,
Habbeepti ana wa inti (baby you and me)

That's if you were speeking to a woman, if you were speeking to a man the last bit would be:

Habbeebi ana wa inter

or if you were speeking to an attual baby, but still just using an affectionate word not litrally say an infant you get to use my favorite arabic word 'Habboobbie'

cracks me up every time.

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