I went to see Harry Potter with Hazel on saturday.
(Dissclamer: I am not a crazy Harry Potter fan, I've never gone to a bookshop at midnight, I've never gone to a Harry Potter themed party although I do have a relitive that does those things.)
I thought is was an alright film, less action than another one I've seen, but that's a good thing, I find wizard fights a bit dull you always know Harry will win in the end. He does need to get some new glasses though....it's funny that for a school boy who's been in a lot of nasty situations he should have definatly broken some more pairs of glasses by now, but even if he'd never broken a pair, surely he doesn't think those glasses are apropriate for a boy his age, they're just silly. he should have gone to specksavers!
I quite enjoyed the love potion bits although it occored to me durring the film that the love potion was like the wizardaery equivelent of the date rape drug. This realisation took the film onto a whole new level, it went from being a childrens story to a serious documentary...but only in my head.
I would give Harry Potter 1 Star, you might think that is harsh and a bit contradictory to everything I have written, but I haven't told you the scale yet:
1 satelight = avoid this film like swine flu, if you know anyone who's seen it wash you're hands before any phisical contact.
1 moon= only go if you've got six weeks of holiday and it rains every day.
1 Star= an ok film, if a hottie asks you to go and see it with you say yes (hazel you are a hottie)
1 galexy = super dopper fun/exciting/funny/thought provoking (circle aprpriate one)
Hmmm.... I don't know if I've ever writen a film review before, maybe at school when you're forced to do things you don't want to do. maybe I should see if I could get a job as a film reviewer, except I'm not really a big fan of films, I prefer real life. Attually I was talking about this today, I've never cryed in a film, but I'm not someone who can't ever cry I just think it's a bit rude to cry in a film when there is a lot worse real life stuff going on in the world.
(Dissclamer: I am not a crazy Harry Potter fan, I've never gone to a bookshop at midnight, I've never gone to a Harry Potter themed party although I do have a relitive that does those things.)
I thought is was an alright film, less action than another one I've seen, but that's a good thing, I find wizard fights a bit dull you always know Harry will win in the end. He does need to get some new glasses though....it's funny that for a school boy who's been in a lot of nasty situations he should have definatly broken some more pairs of glasses by now, but even if he'd never broken a pair, surely he doesn't think those glasses are apropriate for a boy his age, they're just silly. he should have gone to specksavers!
I quite enjoyed the love potion bits although it occored to me durring the film that the love potion was like the wizardaery equivelent of the date rape drug. This realisation took the film onto a whole new level, it went from being a childrens story to a serious documentary...but only in my head.
I would give Harry Potter 1 Star, you might think that is harsh and a bit contradictory to everything I have written, but I haven't told you the scale yet:
1 satelight = avoid this film like swine flu, if you know anyone who's seen it wash you're hands before any phisical contact.
1 moon= only go if you've got six weeks of holiday and it rains every day.
1 Star= an ok film, if a hottie asks you to go and see it with you say yes (hazel you are a hottie)
1 galexy = super dopper fun/exciting/funny/thought provoking (circle aprpriate one)
Hmmm.... I don't know if I've ever writen a film review before, maybe at school when you're forced to do things you don't want to do. maybe I should see if I could get a job as a film reviewer, except I'm not really a big fan of films, I prefer real life. Attually I was talking about this today, I've never cryed in a film, but I'm not someone who can't ever cry I just think it's a bit rude to cry in a film when there is a lot worse real life stuff going on in the world.