Sunday, 31 May 2009
We had a big chat about dreams afterwards, I'm quite proud of some of my dreams these are my best dream achivements:
I once drept in a scouce accent.
I once drempt in arabic.
I once drempt in arabic but an arab was teaching me more arabic that I didn't know (which unfornately was wrong arabic because I remebered it and looked it up in my arabic dictionairy when I woke up.)
I once had a black and white dream.
I once had a dream that I hugged my 5 year old self.
I once had a dream that was narrated by a patronizing woman all the way through.
I once had an underwater dream where everyone I knew had just their heads attached to fishes tales.
I once had a dream where I realised I was dreaming and what ever I did didn't matter so I went naked to school, (I wasn't totally concious though or I would have chosen to do something more fun like fly)
There are probably more that I can't remember. When I was about 5 I thought that when you dream about someone they are also having the same dream at the same time but from their perspective like in real life, if your talking to someone they're listening to you. When I asked someone who I drempt about if they enjoyed the dream they looked at me as if I was a nutter and thats how I found out it . I would like to make a booked called 'I spy dreams' which would be a rip off of these crap books I was given as a child which were called 'I spy birds' or 'I spy on the motorway' you basically look for thinks like a pigion or a certain kind of roundabout and tick them off in the book and when you've done a whole book full you can send off for a badge. I always though it was silly as the book cost so much more than a badge and they have no proof you've seen all the things so I always cheated. Anyway an 'I spy dreams' book would be cool I could have ticked off all my current dream acheviments and I would aim for more like this:
A dream from someones perspective other than my own.
A dream from the point of view of an inanamate object.
An entirely auditory dream (a blind person I know only has sound dreams)
A dream that is an exact replica of an ivent that has already happened.
A dream where I get to talk to God.
A dream within a dream.
A dream where I learn more arabic but it is attually all right arabic.
The same dream at the same time as someone else.
Saturday, 30 May 2009
I love everything today
Friday, 29 May 2009
7 new rules
1) first thing I will do is rip the pink buttons off
2) I will only wear them under a dress or skirt E.g I will wear them as more apropriate tights not less apropriate trousers.
3) I am never ever going to wear them with just a top even it it's a long top.
4) I am not becoming a scally or joining any other new sub-culture
5) the purpose of the leggings is to allow dress wearing whilst bike ridding.
6) anyone reading this has the resonsibilty to hold me accontable to these rules.
7) the rules will be reviewed months from now on 29th noverber 2009.
I had a funny dream about clothes last night, I drempt my house got burned down and I couldn't got to work because the only clothes that didn't get burned didn't go with eachother.
Sunday, 24 May 2009
To celebrate we went to the fair in the mystery park (I'm not sure why it's called the mystery maybe that is the mystery) I purswaded Dan to go on a ride called 'the frisbee' it was like a pirate ship that also span round. I loved it, Dan did not. When we went sailing he was sick 10 times in one day and it wasn't even stormy or anything. So I thought he would be sick and I was wondering whether it would be ruder to be sick on me or on some strangers but luckly it didn't happen.
The fair inspired us to attempt to make toffee apples, which are made from sugar, water, butter and vinagar... oh yeah and our secret ingedience apples. I remember the time I discovered that toffee apple had apples in them. Gutted, I thought they were solid toffee. We served then on chopsticks and all our friends came round to eat them. mmmm.
I like being half of the superhero duo Han and Dan. It's great, thank for the roses Dan, they're lovely. xx
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Then is my head I went off on one a bit about if breast awareness day was a real thing what would it be like. I imagained some of the statistics and slogans they would use on their posters:
'Did you know that half of all british adults are currently living with breasts?'
'breasts- on average everyone has one'
'breast are more than just balls of fat babies suck on, did you know they produce a nutrious drink whislt at the same time being asthetically pleasing?'
That last one needs a bit more work I think.
p.s If your intrested (which you probably aren't) Picton clock's four faces are now all reading different times but the hands arn't moving.
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Neigbourhood Watch

Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Picton Clock

What's going on with picton clock? I enjoy picton clock it's really the only way you can tell if your going to be late for work whilst your cycling there. I did try looking at my watch once but I think it ended in disaster, well not totally disaster, really it ended in mild pain and embarrasment.
A few months ago the clock disapeared, the whole face was taken off and the hole in the tower was covered with black wood. that made me sad. I'm not sure why it happened, I guessed the council were cutting back on spending and didn't want to waste money lighting it at nights. Every time a saw it it made me think What time is it?-- death O'clock, or half past death or 10 to death or whatever. maybe I'm just a little bit morbed, but I took it personally like the council were saying directly to me 'there is no use for time any more, not one has jobs or money or routine we are just living in a land of constent death' I don't think normal people take things like that so personnally but I'm an artist so colours meen a lot to me, if they had painted it white it would be totally different.
Anyway this morning a new clock face had been put back on but there were no hands, and this afternoon at around 4pm when I cycled past the hands were on but the time was 12. oooh mysterious, what message are the council sumblimanally trying to put into our minds today? It's like an exciting soap opera if that wasn't an oxmorone. (I've just had a thought, why isn't a soap opera a opera about soap?!)
I will end today's blog with two quote from today the first from a kid from my art class, and the second from the singing teacher:
1) I would Lyricaly castrait him if he did that (she ment literally)
2) I can just see you, out of my profiter roll vision.
Tuesday, 5 May 2009