Monday, 2 February 2009

quality street

This weekend was one of my best weekends I've had in a long time partly because I didn't have work and partly because it involved a lot of eating. It started with the most incredible breakfast at Rachel's on saturday morning I had: scrambled eggs, beans, bacon, croisons, pain au chocolate, great fruit with sugar and cinamon and pancakes with choclate sauce! any weekend that starts in that way is bound to be great.

The most funny part of the weekend was Tina's party on saturday night, she decided she wanted to do something different and that going to a kaylee would be fun (it is atually spelt something like ceilidh or something ridiculus but I refuse to spell it like that) Tina is a 1st year student and like most first years she lives in accomadation that resembles a prison/refugee camp. Me and Joy the only non-students arrived at the halls, to meet Tina friends who were all dressed up in a normal student night out kind of a way. We walked down to this place expecting to see a load of other students but there was just a very old and very un-cool looking church hall filled with 60 year old women in long flowery skirts. eeew.

We decided to brave it anyway, there was a least a bar, even if it did have a swear box behind it. I was getting used to the idea that we would soon be dancing with these people when I spoted someone I knew, a teacher I used to be a teaching assistant for. I was a bit enbarrased to be seen there and shocked that I had attually chosen to socialise at the same place as her. 'This is wrong! I'm only 23, too young to die and to young to do this kind of dancing that happens about 10 years befor death' I thought.

The dancing begain and it was atually really fun, I'm normally not a fan of dancing because I'm rubish at it but this kind of dancing to quote Joy is 'taking the mic out of dancing-dancing' They attually tell you what to do, imagine if they did that in clubs it would be great, I wouldn't look so lost. We had a raffel in the interval. All our lot bought a strip of tickets, except me who just bought 1 ticket, you never win so whats the point. I wanted to reduce my chance of winning anyway as the woman I knew was sitting right by where you go to collect your prize. Tina won first which was great as it was her birthday, we all cheared in a way that was slightly to loud for the enviroment we were in, and then Tina picked the next ticket it was a bit bias because we all had orange tickets and so she picked an orange one, which was mine. Chocolates!!! everyone shouted at me as I went up to the table, I quickly scanned the table:
a box containing vegtables-no
some borring looking envelopes-no (who would donate envelopes!)
bottles of stuff -no
choclate bars- hmmm
or a big jar of quality street-yes!
I took the jar and picked the next ticket, I'm not proud of this but I have to admit that I saw the colour of the ticket and the number and knew it was one of our group. If your not going to fold up the tickets properly thaen thats what you should expect.

I had to talk to the teacher too, it was alright she's atually nice and I could tell her about how the class were getting on since she left. Our group carried on winning because we kept picking our own colour tickets, and i discoved that there was a massive hamper I could of won but I didn't because I thought they were all seperate things in a basket thing, and it turned out the borring envolopes had intresting things inside them like a meal out for too in the egg one of my favorite restrants. I can't complain though 20p for a jar of quality street isn't bad.

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