Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Hip hop and Spell-offs

My class wached a Hip hop video today in Rap lesson...they only take odd subjects, some of them won't be abble to get G.C.S.E's so they are being prepaired for the world of work by leaning more vocational courses just, as a fall back really in case the drug dealing doesn't work out for them... then all is not lost they can be rap stars.

So I learned all about the history of hip hop from a 1986 video bought buy the teacher for a quid in a charity shop. It all started in the bronx a suburb of New York in the 70's, teanager's would gather on the street and they started to mix records together, they invented scratching (scraching records that is, not just scraching - that was invented way earlier) and they made up crazy dance moves like the head spin. And then someone got shot and apparently instead of it all esculating to violence people started having hip hop dance offs and stuff - Thats the bit I can't really believe.

Imagine someone is pointing a gun at you in a ghetto...would your first responce be "mayby we could solve this dispute through the medium of dance?" and then imagain them saying "ok great idea! I'll just put my gun down" I mean would that really work? and if it did work then, could it work in other situations? in bigger disputes like wars and that? I can't really picture the german aircrafts from would war 2 decideding not to bomb us, but instead flying down geting out of the plane and engaging the brits in a spot of morris dancing for example. Or dancing in the trenches in world war 1...I don't know though, maybey thats how line dancing started.

Could it work with other things two, like not just dance? opera singing, egg and spoon races, poo sticks? could gangs give up their guns and see who could out-spell eachother, (if it was me I would probably come off better in a no spelling, guns only fight.) Maybe I could start a spelling revelotion with the gangs of liverpool, and then govelment would employ me to make the campain a national thing- reducing crime and inproving litaracy in the most deprived areas through 'Spell-offs'. drug dealers would give up their addictions so they have more money to spend on dictionaries, and in 2035 a teacher will buy a dvd from a charity shop and teach his class all about the history of the global spell-off craze started in liverpool in 2009. I could totally do that.

If only I was more passionate about spelling.

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