Friday, 28 January 2022

One Step Closer to France.

When Dan first got his new remote job, back in August, we decided to move to France. Back then I guessed we might be gone by January. It made sense to stay around for Christmas and for Eric to start school and just to give us chance a to get a lot of things sorted. BIG NEWS....we're still here. and there's a few people that I don't know super well that have seen me and said "you're still here" and lots of people that have asked how it's going. Until yesterday I was answering it's not going well. We're on stage 2 of 3, which is getting our marriage certificate and the kids birth certificates transcribed, which apparently takes FOUR MONTHS! 

So if you've asked me in the last few weeks I would have told you, we don't know, but maybe the summer. But then yesterday there was a very tense moment, I saw the self addressed special delivery envelope on the mat.... we had seen it come back twice before with corrections we needed to do, but this time it had taken a lot longer this was either good news or really bad news....But then this beautiful green booklet arrived!

full disclosure I sent a much more in the moment genuine selfie round our family whatapps but I looked disgusting so this is a better one. The yellow really contrasts nicely with the green right?

It's got all our names and dates of birth in and it means that we can move onto stage 3 of 3: getting the boys ID cards and my visa. Stage 1 was getting Dan's ID card so we already know how this stages goes, because we wasted weeks trying to figure it out. You have to get an appointment to go to London to see a french woman in a building next to the V & A museum. You have to book the appointment online, virtually every time you look there are no appointments. After a long time trying the honorary consul of Chester told us to try in the middle of the night. The only appointments that come up are cancellations and they come up for the briefest of times, more often in the middle of the night. So last night Dan stayed up until midnight and managed to grab the 29th March. 

It's not ideal at all, ideal would be in February half term so that we don't have to take the kids out of school and we could have a few days holiday in London, but it was better than nothing. 4 weeks after that date we would finally get the document posted to Chester and then we could collect it and leave this cold grey country behind. Today in the afternoon I told Dan to check the website again and MIRACLE a date in half term was free! Before grabbing it Dan had to cancel his 29th March appointment because you can't have two appointments. He cancelled it, clicked on the half term one, but it had already gone! And so had the 29th March one. In less than 30 seconds someone had taken our cancelled appointment. There is a happy ending to this probably boring story of a ridiculous computer program. Just this evening we did manage to get one for the beginning of half term, 21st Feb which means by the end of March we're allowed to move to France!!!

Just got to empty our entire house and make it rentable, decide where to live in France, find a school for the boys, sort out a french car, get rid of our old car and our old rabbit, and get my visa, but that randomly is quite simple, it only takes 20 days and I only have to go to Manchester.

Anyone want this lovely but very old bunny Lola? She's soft and tame.

My sister Sarah is having her long awaited proper party bit of her wedding at Easter time, so we will be staying for that, and we'll have a leaving party, and Eric really wants a party like Percy had, and even though his birthday is not until May it's only fair that he has one surrounded by people he knows. So there will be a lot of parties and visiting of everyone to do.

Wednesday, 5 January 2022

Kid quotes of the year 2021

When I was a kid my Dad had a little book and every time us kids said something funny/interesting he would write it down. Here's a few from 2 year old me:

"what's baby tom got on his bottom?!"

(Seeing a tights display in M&S) has that lady fallen through the wall?

(seeing fog for the first time) look! dark light

I now do the modern day equivalent and tweet them using #percyquotes and #ericquotes, and then at the end of the year I do a summary of my favourite ones. To be honest Percy age 3 or 4 was probably the peak. (I've not got that many this year, maybe I just haven't been good at recording them.) Percy's always been a big questioner of life, but at that age his questions were very surreal. Eric at the same age just isn't so bothered by philosophical questions, so he's not asking when we die will our house die? If we gave him an ice cream Eric just enjoys it and doesn't think about if ice creams and snow get on as friends.

Percy has a very unique mind and it was interesting to watch it develop at that age. He used to have an imaginary friend who was a carrot. The carrot was just called "carrot" but the carrots brother was called "boatius". For about a month they were friends, one time we were driving to somewhere and he asked if we could go back home because we had left carrot at home. He was freaking out and we had to make up this whole story that carrot was getting the bus and meeting us there. After a month or so of the friendship of Percy and carrot, Percy ate the carrot. 

Fast forward to now and Percy gets to put his special questioning mind to good use. Often in church they have a space for one of Percy's theological questions. For example:
"does heaven get bigger and bigger to make room for the new people dying every day?"
"did insects go on Noah's arc" 
"why is God a boy?"
"did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?"

I had similar questions, aged 5 I asked "can God count from 1 to infinity in one second?"

Here's the rest of the 2021 quotes:

Percy age 6-7

"Daddy your face looks like a world war."

"Wee and poo are married."

"how many bubbles are there in the world?"

Percy talking about the Euros "why do people put flags up in our street when the England team won't see that?"

Percy talking about dressage in the olympics "that sounds boring, I'm only watching if the horses do backflips"

Percy: I don't think those 2 ducks are married.
me: Percy animals don't get married.
Percy: how do they have babies then?!!

Percy: what's tennis?
Dan: you don't know what tennis is? (explains tennis)
Percy: Oh it sounds a bit like badminton.

(very loudly in public after riding the pirate ship ride) "that makes my willy feel funny"

Eric age 3-4

What shape have you made Eric "a Mexican...its like a hexagon crossed with a house" 

"a long long long long long long time ago......or maybe not that long ago, I wasn't alive"

one from today..."There's two things I want to do: tidy up my train track, and not tidy up my train track."

love them.

I hope 2022 will be full of lots of funny quotes due to us living as foreigners. 

P.S. read previous years top quotes here:

2020 (this is very good actually probably because we were with them all year)

2019  a big year for questions about death and God

2018 contains such classics as "how do you milk a ghost?"

2017 the year we had 2 babies one made out of plastic and one made out of real