Friday, 31 October 2014

The First Week

What an incredible week of highs and lows this has been! There have been times of great physical pain and exhaustion, and times of overwhelming highs as I look at our beautiful son.

Here are some opinions on parenthood that I had last week compared to this week:

Last week:
I wouldn't let my child sleep on me at night because then they'd never want to sleep in their own cot.

This week:
ARGHHH I don't care about the future as long as I can make it through tonight.

Last week:
I'm going to breast feed because I love a bargain and I'm quite lazy and boobs are just right there.

This week:
Yes breast feeding is free if you don't value your time at all, If you paid yourself minimum wage every time you breast feed it would be a proper income. Also if you want to know what it feels like ask someone to continually nipple tweak you for half an hour.

Last week:
Oh no I have forgotten to buy pyjamas for the baby.

This week:
What even defines day and night?

The lack of sleep has lead to some crazy delirium as demonstrated in this video where I nearly wet myself.

It's been a bad week for Lola the rabbit, her cuddle time has been very reduced and she got in a fight with a cat.

The cat attack sent Dan into a parental rage and he has vowed to punch the cat if ever he sees it.  I pointed out that a cat does have the right to roam free and maybe we shouldn't let our rabbit out in the yard, but Dan's protective anger continues, he actually congratulated the rabbit on the fact that the blood on her foot was the cat's blood, we think. I hate to think what would happen to anyone who picked on Percy.

It would be wrong of me to end the blog without more photos of Percy.  Here he is with his girlfriend Elodie, Steph and Nick's new baby born one day after Percy.

Hey Elodie....
Did you know I'm a rap star?
I think I'm falling for you (mainly coz I can't keep my head up)
Let me suckle on your arm.
Elodie: I wonder if he's husband material?

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