Saturday, 26 April 2014

Baby Jones :)

So near the end of my last blog I said "that's all our news" That was a lie sorry. We have a super exciting wonderful piece of news that I am so glad I can finally share!

And just in case you're wondering... no it doesn't have a wicked witch's nose and a little Jewish hat, those random bits are apparently 'artefacts' I'm not really sure what that means but they're not real things they're like refections or something.

Baby Jones is due on 4th November. It's currently the size of a large plum and right now doesn't have fingerprints but it will by next week -how crazy is that?! We're looking forward to being a family of 4 (including Lola the rabbit) although she wasn't that chuffed when we showed her the scan, she just sniffed it and hopped off. I think she was a little disappointed it wasn't a carrot.

P.s If you want to hear my new stand up material about pregnancy (and other subjects) come to the Pilgrim for the final of 'Liverpool comedian of the year' this Thursday 1st May 7:30, £3.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Houses, pets and crazy dances

Hello, sorry for not blogging for a very long time, to be honest I'm not sure how long this blog will continue. This used to be my outlet for things I thought were amusing in life, but now I save up those things for my stand up. I don't want to give up just yet though, partly because I'm worried that I can't do anything for more than 5 years. (As I child I did gymnastics between the ages of 5 and 10 then I did drama classes between the ages of 10 and 15 and then I had a boyfriend between the ages of 16 and 21) I've been doing this blog for 5 years and 4 months.

Recently I've been taking photos, making people do silly dances, traumatising rabbits and trying to sell our house. Here's some more details:

I sold my wedding dress and bought a camera, here are some photos I took when visiting my littlest sister in the Isle of man.

So far in my learning about photography, I've mainly learnt 'everyone loves a bit of blurriness somewhere in a photo.' For more top tips for the amateur photographer check out other bits of the internet.

 Also I've been making more people dance the YMCA in arabic.

Because pretty much everyone in the world who goes to a comedy gig and thinks "I wish I got to do a dance on stage today and I wish it was just a touch harder than the YMCA with the english letter shapes that's a little bit too easy"

I also got into the final of 'Liverpool comedian of the year' which is on 1st May this is my performance in heat 2 of the competition, there's not a lot of new material in it but there's a bit: click on this to see it.

 Which reminds me..... HAPPY NEW TAX YEAR EVERYONE! 2013/14 has been my most successful tax year ever! I may even have to start paying tax! I'm exaggerating a bit I do normally pay a bit of tax, but I might actually have to start paying a tiny bit of student loan off, if they can work out who I am....they don't know my married name and they only have my parents address, which is a house that is soon to be knocked down so good luck finding me. My mum says I should phone them and tell them. Mums hey... that's a crazy idea.

So yes that other thing, you know our adorable bunny Lola?

Yes her,

I though "what could a bunny possibly love more than a little trip on a lead to Sefton park?" turns out a lot of things. Like the safety of her own hutch. There are sometimes when I wonder whether Lola likes something, but when a rabbit plays dead for a while before going absolutely crazy and running very fast in circles (because thankfully she couldn't escape) you kind of get the hint she is not loving the park trip. Sorry Lola I promise not to take you again.

We've also put our house up for sale check it out:

Everyone keeps asking us where are you moving to? but we don't really mind not moving much at all we just want a bit more space, ideally enough for a lodger and children. I'd quite like to move to what I've named 'posh L15' (we currently live in scally L15.)

So that's all our news, (oh yeah and my other sister got engaged- congrats guys!)  one last thing before you depart from my blog. How would you feel about starting a new version of 'lol' for older people? I know I'm only in my 20s but I just can't get on board with 'lol' here are two alternatives. Feel free to use them!

IJAC - I just audibly chuckled
IOLIMHBIWVF - I only laughed in my head but it was very funny