Did you know that Merseyside police are now on twitter? I'm not sure why, it's the criminals that you want to be following really isn't it? Like if whoever robbed Dan's motor bike last week had tweeted:
'just seen a bike through a cat flap of an ally gate #opportunist theaft'
then we could have tweeted back 'it's probably not worth your effort it's broken at the mo #waittillnextweek'
Maybe the police could have tweeted 'whoever robbed Dan's bike please give it back' that would have been about as effective as them knocking on a few doors about 5 days later early on a Sunday morning.
I looked on the merseyside police twitter page and they tweet stuff like:
'Merseyside Police welcomes Stoke fans to the city for today's game. We hope you have a safe and enjoyable day. Follow us for more info.'
BORRING..... I want to hear stuff like:
'just banged up another crack head and confiscated his crack #partytonight'
or 'don't panic but there's a terrorist attack going on in adsa'
or 'board so just arresting random hoodies for no reason'
I put that last one in because Dan once got stopped and questioned by the police because he was running and wearing a hood- up. The police didn't take into account that it was heavily raining. Thankfully once they heard his radio 4 voice they let him go.
Almost 5 years ago I made this pretend police poster with Joy Farrington. We posted it all over wavertree as payback for them water bombing us. We made it the day before me and Dan went on our first date. looking back I wonder if my flirting techniques were a bit strange. I'm still proud of this poster though, and I was well chuffed when Dan ripped one of the posters down and a man said 'so you're one of them are you.'