Monday, 8 June 2009

Dan's new car

Dan has recently taken over the identity of a 29 year old scotish woman who has moved to New Zeland he is living in her house and driving her car. (It's all legal and non-weird though he attually bought her car and is paying her rent and I don't think he wears her clothes or talks in her accent or anything)

It's a black baddy car with no ceiling if your a girl, and if your a man it Mazda MX5. I think cars are funny things, if it was a house you'd look round it and think: no storage space, poorly insulated roof that sometimes comes off only room for two people, and it's black, you wouldn't buy a house like that would you?! but suddenly when it's a car for some reason it's cool.

I did have a lot of fun in it last night though, we drove to southport topless (you know what I mean) and I sugested we sing the classic sunday school favorite 'Hallelu Hallelu Halleu Hallelluja Praise ye the Lord' where one person is the hallelujas and the other is the praise yeas and you have to stand up when your singing your bit, obviously we didn't stand up but we put our hands up which was fine for me, but I think Dan maybe should of kept a hand on the stearing wheal. I'd like to make a album of topless car songs including that one and YMCA, any sugesstions let me know.

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