Thursday, 30 April 2009
Happy Birthday Dan

Monday, 27 April 2009
Buttons and Ribbons

The good thing about the nacklaces as well is that I manged to eoncorperate my norwedgen krones, coins with holes in, that I collected up whilst in norway, I love it when I find a use for something that I've been hording for a while some of my top recyling has been a mobile made from the metal ring of a lamp shade (a baby mobile obviously not a mobile phone, I'd be a genius if I could make a phone from a lamp shade) I also made a wax burner (for melting wax to use in batic) from a metal sweetie tin. However I still haven't found a use for hundreds of tiny paper pots for ketchup that I gradually stole from macdonals over a few years. Any suggestions?
I think this new button obsesion must mean I'm offically at the end of my ribbon obsesion of 2008. That all started because I was in charge of decorating the concert venue for a Revelation rock-gospel choir concert, and I decided to buy 80 meters of ribbon to make a ribbon web that hung from the celing. If you are ever in the situation of carrying 80 meters of ribbon in a plastic bag on the handle bars of your bike and the tyre rips a hole in the bag here's a tip:
Although some motorists maybe quite cultured in everyday life they, do not always apreciate an astheticly beauty explosion of colour in the road, esspecially if the ribbons tangle up in the bike gears and esspecially at a junction. Sad but true.
So anyway after I'd used the ribbons once I ironed then out and used them again, and again...and again. Infact they were a major conponant the 3rd year of my fine art degree. I've also used them in card making and I even made some tedy clothes with them as a 4th birthday present for Maisie. I did love my ribbons but I think 2009 will be all about the buttons.
p.s I hope this blog doesn't turn into the kind of blog where grannys swop craft tips. That would make me very sad, I will keep an eye on the ageing situation, I have to confess I've enjoyed radio 2 this year and Dan even had radio 4 on in the car yesterday. 23 is definatly too young for the menopause!
Friday, 24 April 2009
Three things
I like that there's three thing, all goood sermons have three point and a lot of good things come in threes. Although I don't everyone agrees with that, like Anne Bolynne for example she probabley wasn't thrilled to have three nipples. But as I am one of three, I like things that come in threes like all those tri words: triangle, triclyle, the trinity, trifull...
anyway the three things that made me laugh:
1) funnyness with Dan,
we were both in a silly mood on thursday night and the conversation got quite surreal...I asked him how his day was, and then wasn't very good at listening to the answer so he said 'why don't you just tell me how you think my day should have gone?' so I did, it involved him unicyling 17 miles to work and his boss telling him he can have more money and more holidays and then him cooking a roast and inviting round me, and his heros Tom Waits, Clade debussy and Jakie Chan (Jakie Chan is a man by the way not a scouce woman who has 5 granchildren and is in her 40s like I always imagain when I think of the name Jakie)
Then he told me about how my day should have gone, he said I should have had a good lie in, then got up and painted myself with paint that made me invisable on all my body except my head and feet, and then cycled round the park freeking people out and then found a big art studio and talked to the person in charge who wants to give me a huge space for free, and then I went for the roast dinner at his with his heros and I would bring Brother Andrew, Jamie Oliver and Ellen Macarther.
After a lot more sillyness we made up this joke:
What did the embro say to the test tube baby?
Get a womb!
ok it's not that funny but making up jokes is hard alright.
2) Being a very bad behavioural support worker.
I was cycling to work yesterday and overtook someone who then said 'OI HANNAH!' and I realised it was one of my students, I was about 3/4 of the way there so ther was about a mile to go to get to work, and without really thinking at all I said 'race yer' not a sensible thing to say to a 14 year old boy who isn't wearing a helmet and is smoking whist ridding, I then went through a main dule carrageway junction when the lights were green/orange and he went trough on red. That's when I had images of me apologising to his parents at his funeral. We continued cycling I was ahead but I was more worrying about him than trying to win and then in the last hundred meters he overtook me, once I realised he wasn't going to die I got back to the important task of winning by saying first to touch the door as I was touching it.
3) A funny film.
I saw a funny film at the cinama last night it was called 'in the loop' and it was a political comedy about some not very good MPs my favorite line was when one of the MPs said 'it's not easy peasy lemon squeezy, its difficult....difficult lemon difficult, I'm not sure why that made me laugh that much it just did. Will's favorite line was 'you're like a Nazi Julie Andrews'
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Goin' on a sick one
Sunday, 19 April 2009
But last night I played 'serious man poker' at Luke's, this was sort of like my punishment for tricking Dan into waching sliding doors with me the previous night (I mean the film sliding doors, I didn't just make him watch automatic doors somewhere) I had a little bit of pre-poker fun by buying a packet of toblrone cookies in Asda whilst wearing a sombrero, that was a dare from Will, It's not the first time I've been to a supermaket in fancy dress, but I didn't get esscorted out by security this time which was a bonous.
I attually played sensibliy mainly because there were no other girls for me to play girl poker with, infact at one point last night it was just me and 9 men. (Please never quote that out of context.) I came a very respectable 3rd. but my proudest moment was when I'd folded and I was just practising my face reading skills by staring Luke out and said I think he has a queen and a 10 and I was right!
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Smoking in the womb harms your mother
I would like to publish the slogans from a poster campain written by me and Dan that helped Rachel to quit, in the hope that other will be inspired. I personally think the govelment should buy our campain off us and print it on ciggarette boxes.
(Disclamer: there is a large selection of slogans in varing degrees of truth most of which aren't very P.C, if you think you might be offened then....you're just being too easily offended.)
- If you take a puff....you are a puff
- Hitler endorsed Smoking .....You killed the Jews
- Fags contain the bones of tourshed children and Brocolli
- The average smoker spends 3 grand a year on breath freashening mints
-76% of smokers give birth to 3 legged babies
-100% of smokers DIE!
-For every Fag you smoke the gap in the ozone layer grows by 300 square miles
-If you stop smoking you will be abble to play the harp
-smoke on earth...smoke in Hell
-99.4% of murders smoke
-94.2% of smokers murder
-smoke particles are made from microscopic sized Hitlers
-86% of the population would rather marry Osama Bin Laden than a smoker
-When you smoke every living thing within a 3 mile radius dies!
-68% of smokers die before they are born
-Smoking in the womb harms your mother.
Monday, 6 April 2009
Am I from the Ghetto?
I never really gave much thought to my social class until I was about 18 and I changed social groups. Before that I was normal, I went to a regular comprehensive school where I belived that anyone who lived in a better area than me was a bit posh and had an unessisary amount of money and anyone who lived in a worse area than me was a bit of a tramp, but I was very normal and average.
When I was 18 I left school I went to do an art foundation course at coventry university and at the same time I moved from my family church to a church on the edge of the city center by a bit of a dodgy esstate. Suddenly I wasn't avarage anymore I was comparitavly posh and I didn't like it. There was another girl on my course that was from a village and the drugie chavs took the mic out of her a lot, she did make it worse for herself by talking about her ponies though. From that point on I always tryed to appear a bit more ghetto than I attually am. Like when I came to liverpool and people asked me where I was from I always said covenrty even though my official address is warwickshire. So that's why I'm so glad that there's been a drugs raid in my village it's another thing to add onto the 'for' catogorie on the 'Am I from the ghetto? list' which looks like this:
-For 13 years I lived in a village made up of four roads, I regualy saw tractors and horses on my street and one family from my street even had a horse and cart.
-My parents own a croquay set
-My Dad went to boarding school and cambridge university
-My sister is studying to be a doctor
-I went to a primary school that was so small, two years were taught together.
-My mum has an M.A
- I've got a degree
-My next door neighbor had a small swimming pool
- I once rode in a helicopter
- My Dad knew someone who serriously used the phrase 'whato' without any sarcasm
-My grandparents regulary used a butter knife, not just when guests came, all the time!
- Until I was six I lived in coventry (not warwickshire)
- I was in a rap band when I was 10
-I had my name and address taken down by the police when I was 10
- My secondary school was on the news for being the first school to use sniffer dogs to sort out drug problems.
-When I was 19 I comitted a crime that if I got caught I would have got 6 months in prison.
-I once smoked apple tobacco from a bong
-I once went to a refugee camp (it was the third most hostile enviroment I've ever been in after the school bus and the massive prixmark just before christmas)
-I've live in a house that had bullet holes in the window frame (in palestine)
-I was offered crack in the red light district of ampsterdam
- I've been on the dole.
- I know a lot of young offenders.
-My house was once broken and my flat mate was threatened with a knife in his bed.
-1000 canabis plants were discovered in a raid on my village!