Monday, 23 March 2009

My Friend Helen Bradley 2005 - current

I would like to write a post about my good friend Helen, she is possibly my best friend although I wouldn't say that infront of Rachel she is pretty up there too, maybe it's best not to have a best so lets just say she is in my top 5 favorite people along with rachel and three other people that I can't remember the names of. Being in the top 5 may not mean much, a friend of mine one told me I had 'a very high best friend turnover rate.' we're not really friends anymore, how ironic. Thats why I wrote 'My Friend Helen Bradley 2005- current' because thats how long I've known her, although in 2005 I probably just reconised her in a crowd sort of thing. It wasn't until she realise in 2006 that I didn't fancy the same person she did that we became friends before that I was more of a threat to her than a friend.

Anyway, it was Helen's Birthday on saturday she was 25 which is one of those ages I will never reach. When I first met Helen she was just turning 22 which at the time I thought I'd never reach but now looking back as a 23 and 1/4 year old I can see she was in her youth. The great thing about Helen is however old I am I am never as old as her. (Unless she dies before me I suppose then I could overtake her in age.)

It has become a tradition that every birthday I make her a game, this started on her 23rd birthday when I made her a game called 'HADAG' (Helens Amazing Drawing and Acting Game) it involes trying to convey quite difficult words such as 'the periodic t through quite difficult medium such as wire scupture, orrigami, dance, acting whilst giving someone a piggy back ect. On her 24th I made her 'Guess Whom' which was remarkabally simular to another classic board game except the people in it were all her friends. This year I made ' Helens Human truth or dare snakes and ladders' which consists of 40 A4 pieces which are spread out on the floor and you are the counter. If you don't get a snake or ladders you get a truth (e.g When was the last time you washed your sheets?) or a dare (e.g eat a tea-spoon of salt.)

I can't really remember where I was going with this post maybe I shall write an ode to Helen I think an ode is something you write when they're dead but thats so stupid, dead people can't read.

An ode to Helen:

Helen had her birthday and she was 25
that means she esacped the womb in '84 and became 'alive.'
every year on her birthday I make it my aim,
to invent a new exciting fun home-made board game.
I judge the greatness of the game on sticky back plastic,
If I use a lot it is very very fantastic.
we live in liverpool but we've had trips away,
to Poland and Palestine, and snowy Norway.
we share a united discust for ryanair,
the airline that hardly ever gets you anywhere.
we both love spinning circus fire tricks,
thats why she's in my top 5 friends I'd pick.
Obviously thats not that only reason,
Saying things like that is almost treason.
I love her because she is just great,
and I am super happy that she is my mate.

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