Last year my sister Sarah made me a tea towel with his best quotes on, in 2016 he was between the ages of 14 and 28 months he was just learning to talk, so grammatically they weren't fully formed, but he's quite a chatter. So when he wanted me to wrap him in a blanket he said "Blanket the Percy" or when he wanted me to change his nappy: "Tidy the pooed"
My favourite for that year was when he described his first experience of death: "Woodlouse, OH NO, Harriet stamping"
He has continued to expand his knowledge of death... We were making a family tree and as we drew on his 3 great grandparents I mentioned the 5 dead ones, it's important for him to know about death right? Anyway he seemed ok with it all until a week or so later when we went to visit Dan's parents and over dinner with no context whatsoever he just came out with "Grandpa when you get old then you die" It was an awkward moment but grandpa took it well, it is true we just don't like to say it as adults.
His language has developed a lot this year to the point where he is almost a normal person, with just a few grammatical errors, like he always says "why can I can't" instead of just "why can't I" and a few words he pronounces with the wrong amount of syllables like "Sligh-te-ly" but he does come out with a few words that I'm like where did you pick that up? One day he told me he was "very competent" at jigsaws.
This year Percy wrote all the jokes in our crackers, things like:
"What do you call a pig with no legs? ...A lying down pig!"
and this twist on a classic: "Doctor doctor I feel like the curtains are closed. open them any time."
So 2017 brought some cute quotes:
"do you want to be a dancer when you grow up?" "I'm a dancer now!"
some weird quotes: "Hello willy how are you today?"
some facts: "poo is yucky, wee is a bit nicer"
and some surreal ones: "the polar bear wants to eat his fish finger up-side-down"
So here are the top 2017 Percy quotes that made it to the tea towel:
Some of them take a bit more explaining like "that's just food-chicken" is the moment that Percy found out that chickens that we see at farms and chickens that we eat are the same thing.
And "I want a step mum" I was momentarily broken hearted, but turns out he just wanted the step.
Probably my favourite was when he recently described having a brother and a doll
"We have two babies, one made out of plastic and one made out of real"
love him
If you want to follow more funny quotes search #percyquotes on twitter or follow @comedyhan
If you want to get beautiful personalised gifts like this tea towel, check out Sarah Joy
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.