Saturday, 14 November 2015

My Big Confession

I didn't think this was that big a deal, but half way through telling a few people over a meal the reaction was of shock and horror, "I feel like you're coming out" was one comment. So brace yourself for this big news: I have a smartphone.

I know, I know, I've got no principles and I'm going back on everything I've ever believed in. If you weren't aware of my feelings toward smartphones you can reed this quite recent blog. Or listen to my comedy where I rant that it's ridiculous that it's 2015 and the hover-board still hasn't been invented because inventors are too busy inventing stupid apps. And then I play a game called "my phone verses iphone" where Siri goes head to head with an audience member phoning my mum.

Sorry. Don't blame me though I'd be happy with my little flip phone forever, it's everyone else in the world that is the problem, those people who change their meeting up plans last minute on facebook not realising that I can't see facebook while leaving the house. It's the people who send me picture messages while I'm on holiday that appear as links that I can't look at till I get home from holiday. It's those times when you need to show a foreigner a map, and when you want to take a photo of your baby in a ball pool but bringing your massive camera is somehow not acceptable. It's for the time you shop in Matalan and a sales assistant says "scan this with your phone and you'll get a special offer" and it's for those times your friend Anya texts you and always puts two squares at the end and you would really like to know what they were meant to be. Maybe that's what it all comes down to, I'm just desperate to know what the squares are meant to be. I hope it's something lovely like a smiley face.

I've always been a bit of a technophobe. Or maybe I'm just happy with what already exists, there's no need to keep inventing new things, (apart from a hover board please someone hurry up and invent that! ) I didn't have an email address till I was 18, I didn't have a laptop till I was 24 and I completed a whole year of my art foundation course without once logging on to the uni computer system. I passed with a merit as well which just goes to show that they can't have emailed me anything important.

I really don't want to be one of those people who is always on their smartphone instead of engaging with real life people, so if you ever catch me doing that tell me off. I also have a new anti technology idea that I'd like other people to get involved with if they want. Its called "Amish Tuesdays" where every Tuesday people are invited to ours, no phones allowed and we will do something low tech by candlelight like read a book out loud to each other, learn a craft or play a board game. I would love to start this as soon as possible but unfortunately Percy's sleeping is horrendous at the moment so we have no social life at all, not even an Amish one. He's still ill bless him. Luckily the laptop I am writing this on survived being puked on by him this week. On that note, good night.