His two bottom teeth have grown through, he was a nightmare with them! For about 5 days he stopped eating and woke up loads in the night and was generally not fun.
He's stopped puking so much Hooray! It was getting me down that I always had to have a muslin constantly protecting anything within firing range. He is still sick but only a couple of times a day.
He's learned to splash violently, he's always loved the bath but he now goes crazy as I lower him in even before he touches the water.
He's learnt to drink quite well from a sippy cup, he's still not got the hang of how you have to tip it up much more when it's emptier but he generally gets it. He's not really got the hang of spoons yet, I give him a spoon of stuff and he puts it in his mouth via his shoulder, sometimes the food falls off on the way and then when I take the spoon off him to reload it he cries and is like "why are you taking my food away!" he doesn't understand that spoons are not eternal food sources.
He can sit up, this is great because a month ago he could only sit up for a few seconds so I always had to sit behind him.
He can make the sounds mama and dada but I don't think he's using them in context.
He is trying to crawl and pull himself up to standing.
He has not yet learnt anything about fear and danger, he'll hit himself on the head with a toy and then cry seemingly without realising why, and he'll try his hardest to nose dive of sofas. He thinks he's invincible.
It's getting increasingly hard to take these photos that I'm doing every month it's almost as if an 8 month old child doesn't want to sit still and pose with a tile. Here are some out takes:
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"Hmmm" |
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"What does this toy do again?" |
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"I'm actually feeling a little self conscious now" |
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"Ugh Mum just take the stupid photo, I want to get on with my nose diving off the sofa." |