Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Internet Mums, Feminists and Poo.

Happy new year, welcome to the 6th year of my blog. I only set it up because I was bored at my old work in the bluecoat gallery and facebook was blocked. My first blog post was explaining my nickname 'wibble' which no one really calls me anymore. Basically once about 8 years ago we were having pudding and someone said "I'm not sure if it's cooked shall I put it back in the oven" and I said "No, I like it wibbley" and somehow that became my nickname. When Dan first met me he actually thought it was my surname, because I was referred to as Hannah Wibble to differentiate me from other Hannahs.

Someone recently heard about my blog and asked "is it a mum blog?" I really hope not, I kind of think internet mums are the worst kind of mums. I like to think I'm just a person with a blog who happens to be a mum now, but to be fair since Percy has been born I don't have much to write about other than mum stuff so I guess that makes me an internet mum. :(

Some mums on the internet are crazy though, just as general people who write things in comment sections on the internet are a little crazier than average. When I got pregnant I joined a facebook group for babies due in October or November, occasionally it was helpful, most of the time it was annoying. I feel like every question posted in the group could have either been answered with "don't worry" or "ask a doctor not a load of unqualified random strangers". Some things people posted really annoyed me but I tryed to just ignore it. This week however I couldn't hold back my need to comment so I did, then everyone got mad at me and then I left the group.

Maybe I'm being one of those unreasonable insensitive internet mums but I happen to think this is a hilarious product:

Yes, that's a mum with beautifully applied lipstick sucking snot out of her smiling baby. I find it humorous that people are spending money on what is essentially a straw described as "the snotsucker". There was a very serious conversation under this picture about people's opinions on the snot sucker and all the other snot sucking (or blowing) products. Another example is this:

This plays calming music while either blowing or sucking your babies nose. I know I have an odd sense of humour but that is funny to me, and also ridiculous. There are children dying from malnutrition in the world and people are spending money on fancy snot removers. I tried to hold back from saying this but I'm afraid I didn't manage to. Wow, I made a lot of people mad. Apparently nothing is a waste of money if it helps your baby and every good mummy would use one. 

I did feel a bit bad, Percy hasn't been in a situation of being really bunged up so I guess I didn't think about babies who are struggling to breath. So I am a bit sorry.  It's still funny though the thought of sucking your babies snot while wearing lipstick. That's almost as gross as last night when I decided to have Percy in the bath with me. He was enjoying having a little swim and it was pretty fun until he did a massive squirty baby poo! Ewww!

As well as offending the whole of the internet, I may have offended my feminist friend Esther this week when I said feminists were just trying to get out of doing the washing up. She took it well though - it turns out we had different definitions of what feminists are. She thinks all good decent people are feminists, while I thought feminists were all man hating nutters. Interestingly we have a very similar circle of friends and she thinks all of her friends are feminists while I didn't think any of them are. Take this as a compliment if you're friends with us though, it means Esther thinks you're a good person and I think you are not a man hating nutter.

I will leave you with this picture of Percy looking like he's posing for a selfie: 

I really hope he doesn't find this blog one day as an adult. It's going to be pretty embarrassing for him.