Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Percy's firsts

In the last 2 weeks there have been a lot of firsts for Percy Jones.  Two weeks ago he attended his first comedy gig. it was really nice to be out with our comedy crew again. They were excited to see the baby and he got quite a few mentions in the gig like "clap your hands stamp your feet whoop and cheer .... but whatever you do don't wake the baby!"

Then last weekend he attended his first wedding. Here's my favourite wedding photo of Dan putting Percy on the table to check his nappy. Mikes's face is the best!

Percy had a bit of time on the dance floor, he was bobbing his head along to the music and we were like "aww he's dancing that's so cute" it turns out he had bronchiolitis and head bopping is a symptom. I feel like a bad parent.  So that was his next first his first illness he's pretty much better now.

Percy has just started smiling and a week ago or so we managed to get the first photograph of his smile.
He's pretty adorable, but if this is making you feel broody just scroll back to my last blog to look at a changing mat covered in poo.

It's not a first but I had my second night out without him last week, and by night out I mean going to Becci's house with a few other people to make crafts. I used to be an art student who had exhibitions now I'm a mum who makes crafts. I'm not sure how I feel about this. But anyway I fed Percy just before leaving and then I had 3 hours before he would need feeding again, you can drink alcohol with breast feeding as long as you time it right and don't have too much, (1 unit takes 90 mins to get out of your system) so I'd worked it all out so I could have my favourite drink mulled wine but I totally forgot that normal rules still apply i.e. drinking and driving. Whoops! luckily I hadn't had too much.

The final of Percy's firsts that I will mention today is Percy's first competition win. Percy won a best christmas jumper competition at church. It was a lucky win coz I didn't know the competition was happening but he happened to be wearing a christmas penguin outfit which was a gift from his aunty Beth and uncle Nick. Jack who was the judge made the point that the prize was chocolate so Percy couldn't win, but I made the equally valid point that he could get it through the breast milk, and he won!

The winning outfit

I've not made christmas cards this year, but I have painted this cartoon as a little joke for my mum friends. Merry Christmas ignore the cows.

Friday, 5 December 2014

The Ginger Bet (update)

18 months ago I came up with a ginger bet which was: who can have the most ginger children by 2028.

Originally only there were only 3 contenders: me and Dan, katie and Mike, and Joe who was then single and not ginger (but has a ginger mum.) when I wrote about this bet on my blog several other people wanted to join the ginger bet and you can read about all the contenders here

Well there have been a few updates which I'm sure you will all be egar to hear. My mum is still officially winning with two ginger children as neither of us have started going grey yet.

We have had a baby who looks like he will probably be ginger it's a bit to early to say but there's definitely a tinge of the ginge. and he looks very like me as a baby so the odds are looking good for team Jones.
Percy looking a bit ginger

what we hope for

Steph and Nick were in 2nd place with baby Ben was looking pretty ginger but BIG NEWS he's gone blond they've had another baby and she is very dark haired. They're a beautiful family but that's not going to help them win. They would like 2 more children so they can at best only draw. Unless they have surprise ginger triplets or whatever.
The Pitchers family 

Two of the non-gingers with ginger mum's (Hazel and Joe) have got together with non-gingers, reducing they're chances of winning by a lot, and one ginger (Lydia) has also got together with a non- ginger. Not that any of these couple will necessarily go on to have children with their current partners but it's a possibility.

Katie and Mike currently remain childless, and Helen (who doesn't even have any recessive ginger but claimed she fancied gingers) has got together with a non-ginger. I'm really happy for you Helen and I think Graham is a lovely guy, but that's not going to win the bet is it. In fact I would say you are currently loosing.

Hope you all feel informed I guess I'll do another update in 2 years or so. Best of luck everyone! x