I've survived another week of motherhood hooray! that's 2 weeks down only the rest of my life to go. I think I need L plates for the pram, I keep forgetting I'm not a bike and turning right from the centre of roads and stuff. I also had a long battle with my mum and a car seat. Me and my mum started off on the same side, but after about 20 minutes, I was pointing out that in palestine you just hold new born babies and if a baby is able to stand up you put them in the back, the more children the better, if they are tightly squashed there's less chance of them falling over. On my gap year we once got 36 children in a 12 seater mini bus. Anyway eventually with the use of a bull dog clip we managed to drive to Sefton park and go for a little walk.

You may or may not have heard that we are going to be on the TV show 'one born every minute.' It's kind of funny how we ended up in that position given that Dan was so against it. When I was in the earlier stages of pregnancy I made him watch an episode and he said "we are never going on that program." and I replied "of course not they film it in Bristol no one is going to make us go on it." Then we found out that they were going to film at Liverpool women's at the time we were there, we got two letters asking us if we wanted to be involved which we ignored. Then we went for a hospital tour and some of the film crew were saying how if you're on the program you can have a say in the edit so you can make sure they don't show more than you're comfortable with, and I was a bit tempted.
It's a difficult thing, my extrovert desire to be on T.V verses the natural desire not to show people my bits/ let people see me making cow nosies. Dan was still against it and I wasn't going to try and pursuade him otherwise but I did think it would be fun if we had a little background role like we just walked past, or you could hear my scream when they were filming someone else.
So I went to be induced and half way through that at 3am someone from the one born team came to chat to us about what happens if we were in a background shot, and I said I'd quite like to be in a background shot, and she thought I was saying we'd like to be in the program properly, and chatted to us a bit about it. Then Dan had a bit of a change of heart and she gave us some time to decide if we wanted to be in it, I left the decision making up to Dan and he eventually came to the conclusion that it might be a nice opportunity so we said yes. (although I could still choose to pull out if the footage is really embarrassing)
So when my waters broke I got taken into the delivery suite that had cameras in the celling and we had to wear radio mics. Then on tuesday we got interviewed at our house but we had to pretend it was before. So they did a close up of our faces so that you couldn't see my lack of bump and we had to say things like "if it's a boy..." and "I think I'll be ok with labour because I've dislocated my arm before" etc
They didn't really know when it would be on TV but they guessed the summer.
P.s Quote of the week from Dan who had just mastered wearing the wrap "I could be an african woman" apart from your gender and race and probably many other things yes you could.