Yesterday I was 20 weeks (well the baby is I'm now approximately 1468 weeks from conception) I went for my 20 week scan, we could have found out if it's a boy or a girl today but we've decided to have a surprise. Although as I once pointed out in my comedy everyone has a surprise they just choose when to have that surprise. We could drag it out even longer by doing blindfolded nappy changes, but I think the gift of sight would probably help in a nappy changing situation.
I've got through the horrible sickness phase now and I also had this very extreme hunger that would randomly happen. I described this once by saying "I was normal and then I suddenly became ravashing" (I meant ravenous)
So here's the bump at 14 weeks which was a really awkward stage where I felt really self-consious and fat because I didn't look properly pregnant.
And here it is at 18 weeks when I got some maternity clothes and started enjoying having a bump a bit more.
and here is the bump today with clothes on.
We have started calling it "bumpy" we were calling it after what it was the same size as e.g apple pip, pea, bean, raspberry ect but we gave up on that after it got to the size of a peach. I've got very used to bumpy now it might be weird to give it a real name. Bumpy Jones has a nice ring to it.
There is a strange list of things you can't do when you're pregnant obviously drink alcohol is one of them but you also can't eat anything unpasteurised like soft cheese or homemade mayonnaise. You can't have mr wippy ice cream or mcflurrys or sword fish and you can't touch soil or cat litter. I quite recently went to a cheese and wine party which along with sword fish-gardening parties are the worst kind of parties you can go to as a pregnant person. However I heard that you can eat soft cheese such as camembert if it is grilled so because everyone felt sorry for me 3 tubs of camembert ended up being grilled and I ended up overdosing on cheese. I really do love cheese a lot! I hope it is true that you can eat it grilled or I may have damaged our unborn child. Although I'm not too worried because I've never met anyone with some kind of medical problem that's said "oh yeah it's because my mum ate 3 tubs of camembert while I was in the womb"
Here's our little one at 20 weeks, it's not as clear as the 12 week scan but everything is fine.
After the scan we went and bought the first thing we've ever bought our baby, pretty much the only nice unisex thing we could find:
Can't wait for the christmas jumper season to start!