Saturday, 8 February 2014

Rabbit "facts"

This is Lola, our lovely rabbit, I wrote some facts about her but then I decided that it was boring to anyone who isn't me so I made some facts about rabbits instead:

Rabbits were invented by Sir Henry Rabbit in 1672, the prototypes were furless and did poos the size of cow pats, but that was quickly changed when the public demanded cuteness as a key characteristic of their pet rabbit. so poos were made tiny and fur was added.

When rabbits and dogs mate that makes kittens. Contrary to popular belief cats cannot mate with other cats just like mules.

Rabbits like many stars in our galaxy are actually dead, but because 'cuteness' and 'cuddlyness' lives on for up to four years after the rabbit has passed away, you can't really tell which rabbits are actually dead.

Rabbits have a gestation period of 4.7 seconds. The average rabbit litter is made up of 25 baby rabbits 4 guinea pigs a furby and a partridge in a pear tree.

When rabbits twitch their noses their are actually communicating in morse code, but because they speak in shakespearian english morse code it is quite had to understand them even if you're fluent in morse code.

In word war two British rabbits were evacuated by hot air ballon to the Galapagos islands to protect them from the Nazis, however they refused to take gas masks because they are incredibly vain.

Most rabbits give birth to live young but lop eared rabbits lay eggs.

Rabbits have their own internet. Rabbit web addresses start with RRR and usually end in .hutch .carrot or .hop

This is the kind of ridiculous stuff I might tweet from my new comedy twitter account that I just set up today. follow me if you want more nonsense!