Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Things that have happened.

I haven't blogged for a while but here are some things that have been happening.

1) I finally finished my outdoor mural, so I no longer have to wear 1000 layers of wool all of them covered in paint. whoop!

2)  My old housemate from 4 houses ago came to stay. 4 houses ago was my favorite house followed by 2 houses ago I quite enjoyed that. Although my current housemate is pretty special. My x housemate's name is Josh and instead of arriving at our house by bus or car like a normal person, he turned up while I was shopping in Asda having hitched hiked from kendel. I took him to one of my favorite places 'the crocky trail' which is like a playground where it is socially acceptable for grown ups to go. It turns out we are doing a fairly simular trip in the summer although he will be doing it on no budget e.g he actually eats out of bins and sleeps in doorways sometimes. We're planning to meet up in Istanbul.

3) Check out my new homemade notice board, It's got pockets to put pens in and everything! Two pockets are made from a long denim skirt that I used to wear in sixth form before someone told me I looked like a christian, one pocket is from another pair of jeans with holes in and the other pocket is from the first skirt I ever bought when I was 11.

4) I cycled 29 miles in one go! unless you count when I bought chocolate in a corner shop half way, which I don't count. It took 3 hours. On our summer trip Dan wanted us to be able to cycle 60 miles a day, so this was a bit of training. I have concluded that with a proper long break after 30 miles I could probably do 60 miles but it wouldn't be a very holiday like holiday so we probably won't do 60 miles most days. If you want to follow what is going on with our trip which will begin on 30th July you should go to twitter and find @hananddango2q8. If I was more technical and less lazy I'd put in a proper link.

5) Today I showed some year 5s this poster as I am teaching world war 2 through art.

I asked them why you shouldn't dress extravagantly and one child said "because if you wear fancy bright clothes the germans will see you from the air and bomb you" -That made my day.

6) I recently dreamt that this is what people wear in Turkey. I hope it's not true.

7) I went to a Zumber class! shocking I know. I was the kid who when asked by a P.E teacher the rhetorical question "Would you rather play soft ball or pick litter?" answered "pick litter" But who can resist the charms of Danni Mcguiness, who is a newly qualified Zumber instructor.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Morbidly Jolly

Last night I dreamt that I had a pet baby gorilla with florescent green eyes, but unfortunately my adorable pet suffered from obesity. He was 'Morbidly Jolly' - my new way of describing really fat people or gorillas (not to their faces obviously gorillas are very sensitive about such things.) My other new phrase of the moment is 'That's insanity gone mad!'

Back to the gorilla who was male but nameless, it's hard to describe the mixed emotions I felt. I loved this gorilla with it's florescent eyes unconditionally, but we both needed to admit he had a problem, he was still totally adorable in my eyes but he needed help, and he was just beginning to realise that for himself. He'd actually agree to let me weigh him so that was a positive first step on his long road to recovery. That's really all I can remember of the dream.

In real life news I have been working on a outdoor school mural. It's been pretty hard work in the wind and rain and cold temperatures. Today I met the head teacher for the first time who said 'it looks great, but you couldn't have picked worse weather' to which I wanted to reply 'this is normal weather for the time of year....YOU couldn't have picked a worse month to commission an outdoor mural!'

It's all good though, the dinner ladies are mothering me with cups of tea, and there's only one day left till it will be finished.

I've posted a few photos of the progress of the mural on twitter etc but here's a photo of the messy mingy mangle of masking tape leaves and paint.

P.s I just texted my husband and mentioned that I was writing my blog and he said 'say hi to the internet from me' so 'hi'